No. 2017 /Trans/Process Reforms/Estt. New Delhi, Dated: 29.11.2017
The General Manager, All Indian Railways/PUs, NF(C), CORE
The DG/RDSO/Lucknow, DG/NAIR
CAOs, DMW/ Patiala, WPO/ Patna, COFMOW/NDLS, RWP/Bela, IROAF
Sub: Process Reform- Regarding Station/Headquarter leave permission for going abroad on leave
During interactions with field officials it has emerged that time bound grant of permission to employees for leaving station/headquarters for going abroad while on leave is an issue. The matter has been considered and following instructions are issued.
2. Vide O.M. No F.No. 11013/8/2015-Estt.A-III dated 27 th July 2015, Department of
Personnel & Training (DOPT), Min istry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions has circulated detai led instructions with regard to requirement of taking prior permission by government servants for leaving station/headquarters for going abroad while on leave. These instructions have been circulated vide Railway Board letter No. E(P&A) I -20 15/CPC/ LE-3 dated 18.09.20 15 (RBE No I 07/20 15) to all Zonal Railways/PUs and other rai I way offices.
3. The above mentioned O.M. of DOPT inter alia mentions that ” … .it is also desirable that requests of Government servants for such permission are dealt with expeditiously. It may be ensured that the decisions are conveyed to the Government servants within 21 days of receipt of complete application to the competent authority. Any lacunae in the application should be brought to the notice of the Government servant within one week of the receipt of
the application. In the event of failure on the part of the competent authority to communicate its decision to the Government employee concerned within 21 days of receipt of the application, the employee concerned shall be free to assume that permission has been granted to him”
4. It should be ensured that the above instructions of DOPT are implemented.
This issues with the approval of CRB.
DAI- Rly Bd letter No E (P&A) I – 20 15/CPC/LE-3 dated 18.09.20 15
(RBE No 107/2015)
Copy: As per list enclosed
Executive Director (Elect)
Transformation Cell
Phone/fax: 011-23047542
29.11.20 17
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