Sub:- Recruitment of meritorious sportspersons afresh in higher grade (commensurate with his achievement) without diluting the benefits he has been getting in his previous grade.
Attention is invited to Board’s letters mentioned above containing instructions on recruitment and Out of Turn Promotion {OTP) of Sports Persons on Zonal Railways/Units in view of their outstanding performance.
2. It has come to notice of the Board that sometimes OTP for outstanding sportspersons is not granted commensurate with sports achievements in the following two categories of cases:-
(i) where the sportsperson fulfils the sports achievement norms but cannot be promoted being under probation;
(ii) where the sportsperson achieves the sports norms applicable to a grade higher than the next higher grade to the post on which he/she is working. This can lead to an anomalous situation where a fresh sportsperson having equal achievement (say medal in World Cup) will be recruited in a higher grade (GP-Rs. 4200) while an existing railway player working in GP-Rs. 1900 can be promoted out of turn only to a grade next higher to viz GP -Rs. 2400.
3. The matter has been considered by the Board in consultation with Finance Directorate. It has been decided that in the kind of situations mentioned above the, case of meritorious sportspersons may be treated as f.resh recruitment in higher grade (against Talent Scouting Quota) without diluting the benefits he/she has been getting in his/her previous grade. For this purpose the following procedure may be adopted:
(a) The sportsperson(s) achieving the requisite sports performance norms should apply to controlling Railway Administration…..