E(GP)2018/3/3 Circulation of Provisional Seniority List of Group ‘B’ officers of Electrical Engineering Department as on 1.1.2020 for forming the panel of Group ‘A’/Jr. Scale of IRSEE for the vacancy year 2020.11.01.2022
 E(GP)2018/3/6 Circulation of Provisional Seniority List of Group ‘B’ officers of Signal & Telecommunication Department as on 01.01.2020 for framing the panels of Group ‘A’/Jr. Scale of IRSSE.07.01.2022
E(GP)2018/3/13 (Law)Circulation of final integrated seniority lists of Group ‘B’ officers of Law Department as on 01.04.2018, 01.01.2019 and 01.01.2021-CORRIGENDUM.05.01.2022
E(GP)2018/3/8(Traffic)Circulation of Provisional Integrated Seniority List of Group ‘B’ officers of Traffic Department as on 01.01.2020 for framing the panels of Group ‘A’/Jr.Scale of IRTS.03.01.2022
 E(GP)2017/3/4 Circulation of provisional Integrated seniority lists of Group ‘B’ officers of Mechanical Department of Indian Railways as on 01.04.2018, 01.01.2019 & 01.01.202031.12.2021
E(GP)2017/3/8 (Traffic)Notification (Traffic Department)31.12.2021
E(GP)2018/3/1 Circulation of Provisional Seniority List of Group ‘B’ officers of Accounts Department as on 1.1.2020 for forming the panels of Group ‘A’/Jr. Scale of IRAS for the vacancy year 2020.30.12.2021
E(GP)2018/3/7Circulation of Provisional Seniority List of Group ‘B’ officers of Stores Department as on 1.1.2020 for forming the panels of Group ‘A’/Jr. Scale of IRSS for the vacancy year 2020.24.12.2021
E(GP)2018/3/5 (Pers.)Final Seniority Lists of Group ‘B’ officers of Personnel Department as on 1.1.2020 for forming the panels of Group ‘A’/Jr.Scale of IRPS for the Vacancy year 2020-CORRIGENDUM.22.12.2021
E(GP)2018/3/13 (Law)Circulation of final integrated seniority lists of Group ‘B’ officers of Law Department as on 01.04.2018, 01.01.2019 and 01.01.2021-CORRIGENDUM.22.12.2021
E(GP)2018/2/31Introduction of 100% Objective type Multiple Choice Questions in the written examinations held as part of Selections and Pre-qualifying examination(PE) in LDCEs for promotion from Group ‘C’ to Group ‘B’ posts.13.12.2021
 E(GP)2016/3/8 (Traffic)Notification (Traffic)02.12.2021
E(GP)2018/3/5 (Pers.)Final Seniority Lists of Group ‘B’ officers of Personnel Department as on 01.01.2020 for forming the panels of Group ‘A’/Jr. Scale of IRPS for the vacancy year 2020.08.11.2021
E(GP)2018/3/13Circulation of final integrated seniority lists of Group ‘B’ officers of Law Department as on 01.04.2018, 01.01.2019 and 01.01.2021-CORRIGENDUM28.10.2021
E(GP)2016/3/7Notification of Stores Department13.10.2021
E(GP)2018/3/13 (Law)Circulation of final integrated seniority list of Group ‘B’ officers of Law Department 01.04.2018, 01.01.2019 and 01.01.2021.04.10.2021
E(GP)2018/3/5 (Personnel)Circulation of Provisional Integrated Seniority List of Group ‘B’ officers of Personnel Department as on 01.01.2020 for framing the panels of Group ‘A’/Jr. Scale of IRPS.0.09.2021
 E(GP)2016/3/8 (Traffic)Notification (Traffic)08.09.2021
E(GP)2017/3/2Corrigendum of final seniority list of Civil Department as on 01.04.2018 & 01.01.201901.09.2021
 E(GP)2019/3/16(PRO)Circulation of Final seniority list of Group ‘B’ officers of Public Relations Department as on 01.01.202011.08.2021
 E(GP)2015/3/2Notification( (Civil Engineering Department)09.08.2021
E(GP)2017/3/5 (Pers.)Notification (Personnel Department)05.08.2021
E(GP)2017/3/2Circulation of final seniority lists of Group ‘B’ officers of Civil Engineering Department as on 01.04.2018 & 01.01.2019-CORRIGENDUM29.07.2021
E(GP)2016/3/8(Traffic)Notification (Traffic)23.07.2021
E(GP)2018/3/13(Law)Circulation of Provisional Seniority List of Group ‘B’ officers of Law Department-01.04.2018, 01.01.2019 and 01.01.2021.23.07.2021
E(GP)2019/3/16Corrigendum to the final Seniority Lists of Group B officers of PRO  Department as on  01.01.202015.06.2021
E(GP)2017/3/2Final seniority Lists of Group ‘B’ officers of Civil Engineering Department of Indian Railways as on 01.04.2018 and 01.01.2019.18.05.2021
E(GP)2016/3/13(Law)Promotion to the post of Senior Law Officers in Group ‘A’/Senior Scale.16.04.2021
E(GP)2019/3/16(PRO)Circulation of Final Seniority LIst of Group-‘B’ officers of Public Relations Department as on 01.01.2020.05.04.2021
E(GP)2005/1/43Transfer of Group ‘B’ officers to another zone on bottom seniority-Reckoning of Group ‘B’ service rendered in pervious unit.22.03.2021
E(GP)2021/2/2/EPFormation of extended Panels for Selections/LDCEs for Promotion to Group ‘B’ posts.04.03.2021
E(GP)2017/3/2Circulation of provisional seniority Lists of Group B officers of Civil Engineering Department as on 1.4.2018 and 1.1.201905.02.2021
E(GP)2005/1/4Transfer of Group B officers to another zone on bottom seniority Reckoning of Group B service rendered in previous unit.  20.01.2021
E(GP)2017/3/3Corrigendum to the final Seniority Lists of Group B officers of Electrical  Department as on 01.04.2018 and 01.01.2019.08.01.2021
 E(GP)2017/3/5 (Pres.)Corrigendum to the final Seniority Lists of Group B officers of Personnel   Department as on 01.04.2018 and 01.01.2019.21.10.2020
E(GP)2016/3/4 (Mech.)Corrigendum to the final Seniority Lists of Group B officers of Mechanical  Department as on 01.04.2016 and 01.01.2017.21.10.2020
E(GP)2017/3/3Final Seniority Lists of Group B officers of Electrical Engineering  Department as on 01.04.2018 and 01.01.2019 20.10.2020
E(GP)2015/3/14Notification of  Printing and Stationery Department 14.10.2020
E(GP)2017/3/7Final Seniority Lists of Group B officers of Stores Department as on 01.04.2018 and 01.01.201913.10.2020
E(GP)2017/3/6Final Seniority Lists of Group B officers of Signal and Telecommunication Department as on 01.04.2018 and 01.01.2019 06.10.2020
E(GP)2017/3/8(Traffic)Final Seniority Lists of Group B officers of Traffic Department as on 01.04.2018 and 01.01.2019 18.09.2020
E(GP)2017/3/1Final  Seniority lists of Gr. B officers of Accounts Department as on 01.04.18 and 01.01.1916.09.2020
E(GP)2017/3/5 (pers.)Final Seniority Lists of Group B officers of Personnel Department as on 01.04.2018 and 01.01.201910.09.2020
E(GP)2017/3/3Circulation of Provisional Seniority lists of Gr. B officers of Electrical Engineering Department as on 01.04.18 and 01.01.1925.08.2020
E(GP)2005/2/61Diversion of Junior scale/Group ‘A’ vacancies.17.08.2020
E(GP)2017/3/6Circulation of Provisional Seniority lists of Gr. B officers of Signal and Telecom Department as on 01.04.18 and 01.01.1911.08.2020
E(GP)2017/3/8(Traffic)Circulation of Revised Provisional Seniority lists of Gr. B officers of Traffic Department as on 01.04.18 and 01.01.1923.07.2020
E(GP)2005/2/61Diversion of JTS vacancies.22.07.2020
E(GP)2016/3/5(Pers)Notification of Personnel Department21.07.2020
E(GP)2016/3/3NOTIFICATION OF Electrical Engineers DEPARTMENT21.07.2020
E(GP)2017/3/8 (Traffic)Circulation of Provisional Seniority lists of Gr. B officers of Traffic Department as on 01.04.18 and 01.01.1920.07.2020
E(GP)2018/2/31Introduction of 100% objective  type multiple choice questions in written examinations held as part of Selections/LDCEs for promotion from Group ‘c’  to Group ‘B’ posts in all departments except Accounts.20.07.2020
E(GP)2017/3/17 Circulation of Provisional Seniority lists of Gr. B officers of Stores Department as on 01.04.18 and 01.01.1910.07.2020
E(GP2016/3/6Appointment of Group ‘B’ Officers of Signal & Telecommunication Department of Indian Railways01.07.2020
E(GP)201 5/3/1 7(RPF)Notification26.06.2020
E(GP)2017/3/1Circulation of Provisional Seniority lists of Gr. B officers of Accounts Department as on 01.04.18 and 01.14.1923.06.2020
E(GP)2017/3/5Circulation of Provisional Seniority lists of Gr. B officers of Personnel Department as on 01.04.18 and 01.14.1923.06.2020
E(GP)2016/3/13(Law)Corrigendum to the final Seniority lists of Gr. B officers of Law Department as on 01-04-2016 and 01-04-201718.06.2020
E(GP)2018/2/31Selection for promotion to Group ‘B’ post of AME/AWM in Mechanical department.16.06.2020
E(GP)/2010/2/39Online Preselection Training to SC/ST Candidates for Selections held for promotion to Group ‘B’ posts.05.06.2020
E(GP)2016/3/7Notificatiob of Stores Department20.04.2020
E(GP)2016/3/5Notification of Personnel Department11.02.2020
E(GP) 2016/3/8Corrigendum to Notification27.01.2020
E(GP)2007/2/50Group ‘B’ Posts of Protocol Officer.21.01.2020
E(GP) 2005/2/69Amendment to IREM Volume I16.01.2020
E(GP)2016/3/8NOTIFICATION OF Traffic  DEPARTMENT13.01.2020
E(GP)2016/3/1Notification of Accounts Department27.12.2019
E(GP)2019/2/25Eligibility conditions for promotion from Group ‘C’ to Group ‘B’ posts in the major departments having ‘Organised Services’27.12.2019
E(GP)2013/1/31Seniority Lists of Group ‘B’ Officers of organised services/misc. Departments as on 01.04.2018 & 01.01.2019 – DPC for promotion to Group ‘A’ .23.12.2019
E(GP)2016/3/5Notification of Personnel Department16.12.2019
E(GP)2018/2/31Introduction of 100% Objective type Multiple Choice questions in the written examinations held as part of selections and Pre-qualifying Examination(PE) in LDCEs for promotion from Group ‘C’ to Group ‘B’ posts.28.11.2019
E(GP)2007/2/50Ex-Cadre Group ‘B’ post of Protocol Officer.14.11.2019
E(GP)2019/2/18Syllabus for selection for promotion from Group’C’ to Group ‘B’ post of Assistant Hindi Officer in Official Language Department of Railways/Production Units.18.11.2019
E(GP)99/1/33Ad-hoc promotion to senior scale in Law department.16.10.2019
E(GP)2019/2/14Selection for promotion to Group ‘B’ post of Sr. Public Prosecutor in Level 8 in Pay matrix.21.09.2019
E(GP)2004/1/49NOTIFICATION of Civil Engineering Department.20.09.2019
E(GP)2010/2/39Pre-selection Training to SC/ST Candidates for selection held for promotion from Group C to Gr. B posts.28.08.2019
E(GP)2015/3/2NOTIFICATION of Civil Engineering Department 21.08.2019
E(GP)2015/3/5Promotion of Gr-B Officers of S&T Department to Gr.A/Jr. Scale of IRSSE against vacancy year 2015-1616.08.2019
E(GP)2015/3/3Notification of Electrical Engineering Department   13.08.2019
E(GP)2003/2/22Clarification on grant of Non-functional Scale to Gr.’B’ officers in organized departments of Indian Railways – reg.13.08.2019
E(GP)2003/2/22Clarification on grant of Non-functional Scale to Gr.’B’ officers in Level-11 of Accounts Department and Level-10 in organized departments of Indian Railways06.08.2019
E(GP)2016/3/7Circulation of final seniority lists of Group ‘B’ Officers of Stores Department as on 01.04.2016 and 01.04.201717.04.2017
E(GP)2005/2/69Amendment to IREM Volume I16.07.2019
E(GP)2019/2/5Master Circular No.68 on Promotion from Group C to Group B posts updated in July 201908.07.2019
E(GP)2015/3/17(RPF)Notification of RPF Department.12.07.2019
E(GP)2018/1/39Promotion of Gr. B officers to Sr. Scale on ad-hoc basis in Statistical Department.15.05.2019
E(GP) 2015/3/2Notification of Civl Engineering Department for the vacancy year 2015-16 27.03.2019
E(GP) 2018/2/31Introduction of Objective Type Multiple Choice Questions in the written examinations of selections and pre-qualifying examination in LDCEs for promotion to Group B posts19.03.2019
E(GP)2016/3/8(Traffic)Circulation of Final seniority list of Gr. B officers of Traffic Deptt.11.03.2019
E(GP)2015/3/4Notification of Mechanical Engineering Department.20.02.2019
E(GP)2015/3/5(P)Corrigendum of (Baljeet Singh )Personnel Department 07.02.2019
E(GP)2008/3/4Notification of Mechanical Engineering Department 07.02.2019
E(GP)2009/1/97Procedure for conducting DPCs for promotion to Gr A jr Scale of organized services principles outlining preparation of integrated Group B Seniority of each deptt. 05.02.2019
E(GP)2012/3/17(RPF)Notification of RPF Department of Shri Rakesh Kumar Chauhan & Arun Kumar Nigam25.01.2019
E(GP)99/1/33Ad-hoc promotion to Senior Scale in Law Department.28.12.2018
E(GP)2014/3/3Notification of Electrical Engineering Department 26.12.2018
E(GP)2014/3/2Notification of Civil Engineering Department.20.12.2018
E(GP)2002/1/58Notification of Traffic Department of Shri Zafiruddin Ahmed20.12.2018
NoE(GP)2015/3/8Notification of Traffic Department Panel for 2015-
No.E(GP)2014/3/4Notification of Mechanical Eng. Department of Sh. G.P Shukla (NER)- Panel of 2014-
E(GP)2014/3/7Notification of Stores Department.17.12.2018
E(GP)2003/2/22Grant of Non-functional scale to Group -B Officers of Organised Services on 100% basis after completion of 4 years of regular service – Procedure reg.12.12.2018
E(GP)2016/3/1Circulation Final Seniority list of Gr.B officers Accounts Department26.11.2018
E(GP)2015/3/4Final Seniority list of Gr.B officers Mech. Department17.09.2018
E(GP)2016/3/10Final Seniority list of Gr. B officers of Chemical and Metallurgical Department22.05.2018
E(GP)2018/2/1Syllabus for 30% LDCE held for promotion to Group B post of AMM in Stores Department22.05.2018
E(GP)2009/3/8Notification of Traffic Department18.04.2018
E(GP)2014/3/5Corrigendum to the final Seniority Lists of Group B officers of Personnel Department as on 01.01.2012, 01.01.2013, 01.01.2014 and 01.04.201528.02.2018
E(GP)2014/3/3Notification of Electrical Engineering Department12.02.2018
E(GP)2014/3/13Notification of Law Department.22.01.2018
E(GP)2014/3/5Notification of Personnel Department.16.01.2018
E(GP)2012/3/8Notification of Traffic Department.19.12.2017
 E(GP)99/1/33Ad hoc promotion to Senior Scale in Chemical & Metallurgical (C&M), Pyscho Tech and p&t Department20.11.2017
E(GP)2016/3/8Final Seniority list of Gr B officers of Traffic Department06.11.2017
E(GP)2015/3/11Final Seniority List of Gr B offices of EDP Department31.10.2017
E(GP)2016/3/2Final Seniority list of Gr B officers of Civil Eng. department18.10.2017
E(GP)2001/2/69Promotion to Group ‘B’ posts through 30% LDCE – formation of panel when two or more candidate secure equal marks.10.10.2017
E(GP)2009/3/8Seniority List of Gr B officers of Taffic Department  05.10.2017
E(GP)2012/3/2Notification of Civil Eng. Department27.09.2017
E(GP)2016/3/3Final Seniority list of Gr B officers of Elect. Eng. Department12.06.2017
No.E(GP)2015/3/11Final Seniority List of Gr B offices of EDP Department25.09.2017
No.E(GP)2016/3/6(S&T)Circulation of Final Seniority List of Gr. B officers of S&T Department.13.09.2017
E(GP)2008/3/4Notification of Mechanical Engineering Department of South Central Railway01.09.2017
E(GP)2005/2/26Selection for Promotion to upgraded Gr.B post of Law Officers in Level 8 in Pay Matrix (equivalent to PB-2 (Rs.9300-34800)) with Grade Pay of Rs.4800/-28.08.2017
No.E(GP)2015/3/12Circulation of final Seniority List Of GR.B officers of Hindi Department17.08.2017
No.E(GP)2015/3/11Provisional Seniority List of Gr. B officers of EDP Department28.06.2017
E(GP)2016/3/2Final Seniority Lists of Group B officers of Civil Department06.06.2017
E(GP)2015/3/12(Hindi)Provisional  Seniority Lists of Group B officers of Hindi Department19.05.2017
E(GP)2015/3/16(PRO)Notification of PRO Department15.05.2017
E(GP)2016/3/4 (Mech.)Final Seniority Lists of Group B officers of Mechanical Department11.05.2017
.E(GP)2016/3/8(Traffic)Final Seniority Lists of Group B officers of Traffic Department24.04.2017
E(GP)2016/3/6(S&T)Final Seniority Lists of Group B officers of S&T Department27.04.2017
E(GP)2016/3/5Final Seniority lists of Group B officer of Personnel Department12.04.2017
E(GP)2014/3/5Corrigendum to the final Seniority lists of Personnel Department12.04.2017
E(GP)2006/3/8(Traffic)Notifaction of Traffic Department12.04.2017
E(GP)2016/3/2Provisional Seniority lists of Group B officers of Civil Engineering Department03,04,2017
E(GP)2015/2/8Consolidated Guidelines for personnel Officers, Paper Setters & Eveluators of Question Papers fo written examination held as part of 70% Selection/30% LDCE for Promotion from Group C to Group B Posts10.04.2017
E(GP)2016/3/1(Accounts)Final Seniority Lists of Gr B officers of Accounts 07.04.2017
E(GP)2009/3/8(Traffic) Notification of Traffic Department31.03.2017
E(GP)2015/2/8Consolidated Guidelines for Personnel Officers, Paper Setters & Evaluators of Question papers of written examinations held as part of 70% Selection/30% LDCE for promotion from Gr. C to Gr. B posts22.03.2017
E(GP)2016/3/4(Mech.)Provisional Seniority lists of Group B officers of  mechanical Department14.03.2017
E(GP)2016/3/6(S&T) Provisional Seniority list of S&T06.03.2017
E(GP)2016/3/8(Traffic)Provisional Seniority list of traffic06.03.2017
E(GP)2016/3/7Provisional Seniority list of stores01.03.2017
E(GP)2016/3/5 (PERS.)Provisional Seniority list of personnel27.02.2017
E(GP)2016/2/25Syllabus for professional paper for selection from Group ‘C’ to Group ‘B’ posts in EDP Centres/IT Department of Railways/Production Units.27.02.2017
E(GP)2016/3/1Provisional Seniority list of Group B officers of accounts Dep.21.02.2017
E(GP)2015/3/4Final Seniority list of Group B officer of Mechanical Department24.01.2017
E(GP)2005/2/69Amendment to IREM Volume I 27.12.2016
No.E(GP)2015/2/20Syllabus for Selection for promotion to Group ‘B’ post of Law Officer.14.12.2016
E(GP)2015/2/8Consolidated Guidelines for Personnel Officers, Paper Setters & Evaluators of Question Papers of written examinations held as part of 70% Selection/30% LDCE for Promotion from Group ‘C’ to Group ‘B’ posts.28.11.2016
E(GP)2008/2/06Syllabus for professional papers for 30% LDCE for promotion to Group ‘B’ post of AEN in Civil Engineering Department of Railways/Production Units. 25.11.2016
E(GP)2005/2/26Promotion to Group B post of Law officers 21.11.2016
E(GP)2015/3/4Seniority list of Group B Officer of Mechanical Department10.11.2016
E(GP)201/3/2Notification of Civil Engineering Department04.11.2016
E(GP)2016/1/24Grant of Scale/Grade on ad-hoc promotion from Group B to Scale in CORE26.09.2016
E(GP)2014/3/4Notification of Mechanical Engineering Department20.09.2016
E(GP)2013/1/31Seniority lists of Gr B officers of organized services/misc. departments for promotion to Gr. A09.09.2016
E(GP)2015/3/3Seniority list of Gr. B officers of Elect. Engineering  Department.24.08.2016
E(GP)2016/1/9promotion of Gr. A & B officers to Sr scale.11.08.2016
E(GP)09/08/2016Notifaction of personnel Department.   09.08.2016
E(GP)2015/3/1Notifiaction of Accounts Department09.08.2016
No. E(GP)2014/3/9
No. E(GP)2014/3/9
Promotion to the post of Chif Cashier Shri Sashim Chakraborty/ Notifaction of Acounts & Cash&Pay and final Seniority list of Group ‘B’ officers of PRO28.07.2016
E(GP)2015/3/4Finalization of Seniority list of Mechanical11.07.2016
E(GP)2015/3/2Notifaction of PRO Department08.07.2016
E(GP)2009/3/16 Final Seniority list of Civil08.07.2016
E(GP)2014/3/10 Final Seniority list of CMT03.06.2016
E(GP)2014/3/13 (Law)Circulation of final seniority list of Group ‘B’ officers of Law Department as on 01.01.2004 and 01.04.201527.06.2016
E(GP)2015/3/3Circulation of Provisional Seniority List of Group’B’ officers of Electric Engineering Department as on 01.04.2015 for forming the panel of Group’A’/Jr. Scale of IRSEE for the vacancy year 2015-1627.06.2016
E(GP)2014/2014/3/12(Hindi)Notification of Hindi Deptt.20.06.2016
E(GP)2014/3/3Notifaction of Electrical Engineering Department of Indian Railways09.06.2016
E(GP)2015/3/4Provisional Seniority list of Gr. B officers of Machanical Department02.06.2016
E(GP)2015/3/6Final Seniority lists of  Group ‘B’ officers of S&T Department25.05.2016
No.E(GP)2004/2/47  Selection for promotion to Group ‘B’ posts of Assistant Nursing Officer in PB-3 (Rs. 15600-39100) with Grade Pay of Rs. 5400.19.05.2016
E(GP)2014/3/4Notifaction of 74 gr B officers appoint the    Mechanical Engineering Dep. To Gr. a Junior Scale of IRSME06.05.2016
E(GP)2014/3/2  Notification of Group ‘B’ officers of Civil Engineering Deptt. (IRSE).05.05.2016
E(GP)2014/3/13 (Law)Provisional Seniority list of Gr. B officers of PRO. Department08.04.2016
E(GP)2014/3/13 (Law)Provisional Seniority list of Gr. B officers of Law Department08.04.2016
E(GP)2015/3/6Seniority List of Group B officers of S&T Department22.04.2016
E(GP)2003/2/41Syllabus for selection from Group ‘C’ to Group ‘B’ Posts in EDP centres of Railways/Production Units.20.05.2004
E(GP)2004/2/20Syllabus for selection to Group ‘B’ posts of Assistant Chief Cashier on Railway/Production Units.07.02.2005
E(GP)2005/2/8Syllabus for 30% LDCE for promotion to Group ‘B’ post of AME/AWM in Mechanical Department of Railways/Production Units(Correction)12.09.2012
E(GP)2005/2/8Syllabus for 30% LDCE for promotion to Group ‘B’ post of AME/AWM in Mechanical Department of Railways/Production Units. (Correction)20.06.2008
E(GP)2005/2/8Syllabus for 30% LDCE for promotion to Group ‘B’ post of AME/AWM in Mechanical Department of Railways/Production Units.22.03.2007
E(GP)2008/2/6Syllabus for professional papers for 30% LDCE  for promotion to Group ‘B’ post of AEN in Civil Engineering Department of Railways/Production Units(Correction)24.06.2014
E(GP)2008/2/6Syllabus for professional papers for 30% LDCE  for promotion to Group ‘B’ post of AEN in Civil Engineering Department of Railways/Production Units.09.08.2012
E(GP)2008/2/7Syllabus for professional papers for 30% LDCE  for promotion to Group ‘B’ post of AEE in Electrical Engineering Department of Railways/Production Units.27.01.2014
E(GP)2004/2/90Syllabus for selection  from Group ‘B’ posts in the Traffic (Transportation & Commercial)Department  of Railways.28.02.2007
E(GP)2005/2/53Syllabus for 30% LDCE  for filling up  Group ‘B’ post of ACOS/AMM  in Stores Department of Railways.21.03.2007
E(GP)2008/2/6Syllabus for 30% LDCE  for promotion to Group ‘B’ post of ASTE in Signal & Telecommunication  Department of Railways/Production Units.09.08.2010
E(GP)2013/2/24Syllabus for professional papers for 70% Selection and 30% LDCE for promotion to Group ‘B’ post of APO in Personnel  Department of Railways/Production Units.02.12.2014
E(GP)2015/3/2Circulation of Provisional Seniority list of Group-B officers of Civil Engg.Department as on 01.04.2015 for forming the panel of Group-A/Jr.Scale of IRSE for the vacancy year 2015-
E(GP)2014/3/5 (PERSONNEL)Notification of Gr. B officers of Personal Department05.04.2016
E(GP)2014/3/6Notifaction of S&T 16.03.2016
E(GP)2015/3/8 (TRAFFIC)Provisional Seniority List of Gr.B Officers of Traffic Department02.03.2016
E(GP)2014/3/8(TRAFFIC)/ NO.E(GP)2015/3/1(ACC.)Final Seniorty List of Gr. B officers of accounts Dep. nd list of Gr. A officers.22.02.2016/25.02.2016
E(GP)2008/3/8 Notification of Gr. B officer of Mechanical Eng. Department of indian Raliways.17.02.2016
E(GP)2014/3/7Circulation of final seniority list of Group ‘B’ officers of Stores Department as on 01.01.201509.02.2016
E(GP)2005/2/69Amendment to IREM Vol. I04.02.2016
E(GP)2013/1/31Seniorty list of gr. B officers of OF Organized services/misc. departments for promotion to Gr. A as on 01.04.201601.02.2016
E(GP)2015/3/1 (ACCOUNTS)Provisional Seniority List of Gr. B officers of Accounts Department in Panel of Gr. A/jr. Scale of IRAS for the vasancy year 2015-1614.01.2016
E(GP)2014/3/1List of appoint gr.b officers of Accounts Dep. Of Indian Railway05-01-2016
E(GP)2003/1/49Notification of IRSE Department.04.01.2016
E(GP)2014/3/7 Circulation of provisional seniority list of Gr. B officers of Stores Department as on 01.04.2015. 22.12.2015
E(GP)2014/3/12 (Hindi)Circulation of Provisional Seniorty list of gr. B officers of Hindi Department29-10-2015
NO.E(GP)2014/3/5No.E(GP)2012/3/5Notifaction of group B officers of personnel department.  20-10-2015
E(GP02012/3/2Appoint the 5 group b officer of civil engineering department of IRSE20-10-2015
E(GP)2005/2/61Fixation of Jr. Scale. Group ‘A’ cadre12.10.2015
E(GP)2001/2/32Holding of selections for promotion to Gr. B post of Law Officer on the Railways- Authorities for setting up of Question papers and evaluation of Answer Sheet.11.09.2015
E(GP)2005/2/61Fixation of Jr. Scale/Group ‘A’ cadre.26.08.2015
E(GP)2005/2/87Comparison of grades of running staff with those of stationary staff for the purpose of promotion /selection to Group ‘B’ posts.18.08.2015
E(GP)2014/3/9Final  Seniority List Of Gr. ‘B’ Officers Of Cash & Pay Department – Appointment to the Post of Chief Cashier in Gr. ‘A’/ sr. Scale24.07.2015
E(GP)2014.3.2Circulation of final seniorty list of group ‘B’ officers of civil engineering department as on 01.01.201417.06.2015
E(GP)2014/3/9 Cash&Pay Circulation of Provisionl Seniority List of Gr. ‘B’ officers of Cash&Pay Deptt. Appointment to the posts of chief cashier in  Gr. ‘A’/Sr. Scale.22.05.2015
E(GP)2014/3/4Circulation of Provisionl Seniority List of Gr. ‘B’ officers of mechanical Deptt. As on 01.01.2014 for framing the panel of Gr. ‘A’/Jr. Scale IRSME for the vacancy year 2014-15. .20.05.2015
E(GP)2012/3/13 (Law)Notification of Law Department 12-13 & 13-1413.05.2015
E(GP)2008/3/12 (Hindi)Notification of Hindi Department 2008-0912.05.2015
E(GP)2014/3/6(Signal)Circulation of Final Seniority Lists of Gr. ‘B’ officers of Signal & Telecom Deptt. As on 01.01.201429.04.2015
E(GP)2014/3/8(Traffic)Circulation of Final Seniority List of Gr. ‘B’ officers of Traffic Deptt. As on 01.01.2014 for framing the panel of Gr. ‘A’/Jr. Scale IRTS for the vacancy year 2014-15. .27.04.2015
E(GP)2013.3.16 (PRO)Notification of Personnel Department.21.04.2015
E(G)2012/3/8 (RPF)Notification of Traffic Department.21.04.2015
E(GP)2014/3/2Circulation of Provisional Seniority list of Gr. B officer of Civil Engineering Department as on 01.01.2014 for forming the panel of Gr. A/Jr. Scale of IRSE for the vacancy year 2014-
E(G)2010/3/17 (RPF)Notification of RPF.07.04.2015
E(GP)2012/3/7Notification of Indian Railway Stores Services (IRSS).30.03.2015
E(GP)2014/3/3 (Elect.)Circulation of final seniority list of Gr. B officer of Electrical Engineering Department as on 01.01.2014.19.03.2015
E(GP)2014/3/8(Traffic)Circulation of Provisional Seniority List of Gr. ‘B’ officers of Traffic Deptt. As on 01.01.2014 for framing the panel of Gr. ‘A’/Jr. Scale IRTS for the vacancy year 2014-15. .17.03.2015
E(GP)2014/3/6(Signal)Circulation of Provisional Seniority List of Gr. ‘B’ officers of Signal & Telecom Deptt. As on 01.01.2014 for framing the panel of Gr. ‘A’/Jr. Scale IRTS for the vacancy year 2014-15. .16.03.2015
E(GP)2003/1/8Notification of EDP Department21.01.2015
E(GP)2012/3/1Notification of Accounts Department21.01.2015
E(GP)2013/2/24Syllabi for professional papers for 70% Selection and 30% LDCE for promotion to Group ‘B’ posts of APO in Personnel Department of Railways/Production Units.02.12.2014
Master Circular on instructions governing promotion from Group ‘C’ to Group ‘B’
E(GP)2009/1/97Procedure for conducting DPCs for promotion to Group ‘A’/Jr. Scale of organized services-Principles outlining preparation of Integrated Group ‘B’ seniority of each department on All India basis.07.01.2013
E(GP)2009/1/97Promotion from Group ‘B’ to Group ‘A’/Jr. Scale of organized services-Procedure for conducting DPCs.13.05.2011