2022 | |||
F(E)I/2022/AL-28/1 | 12.01.2022 | RBE No.06/2022 | Modification of instructions regarding Booking of Air Tickets on Government account. |
F(E)I/2020/AL-7/1 | 10.01.2022. | RBE No.03/2022 | Grant of Conveyance Allowance at the revised rate to Railway Medical Officers . |
2021 | |||
F(E)I/2018/AL-28/29 Hindi Version | 29.11.2021. | (RBE No.229/2021) | Time limit for submission of Travelling Allowance and other claims by staff: reiteration of instructions regarding condonation of delay in submission of claims by retired employees. |
F(E)I/2021/AL-28/70 | 09.11..2021 | Air Travel on official account- Stoppage of credit facility by Air India. | |
F(E)I/2021/AL-28/47 | 13.08.2021. | Consolidated instructions regarding delegation of powers to General Managers w.r.t. Air Travel of Railway officials. | |
F(E)I/2018/AL-28/29 | 20.07.2021 | RBE-51/2021 | Time-limit for submission of claims for Travelling Allowance (TA) on retirement regarding. |
F(E)I/2020/AL-28/11 | 06.04.2021 | Delegation of powers to Air Travel in connection with Final Location Survey of Bilaspur-Manali-Leh, new BG Line. | |
F(E)I/2016/AL-28/25 | 01.04.2021 | Re-circulation of guidelines of air travel on official tour: purchase of air ticket from unauthorized agents-reg. | |
F(E)I/2020/AL-7/1 | 24.02.2021 | Recommendation of 7th Central Pay Commission – Grant of Conveyance Allowance at the revised rates to Railway Medical Officers, clarification-reg. | |
2020 | |||
F(E)I/2016/AL-28/68 | 17.09.2020 | Delegation of powers to permit Air Travel in connection with the officers posted on USBRL Project. | |
F(E)I/2016/AL-28/68 | 25.08.2020 | Delegation of powers regarding sanction of air travel to DRM/Ferozpur Division/NR in r/o officers posted in connection with USBRL Project. | |
F(E)I/2020/AL-28/6 | 23.07.2020 | RBE-56/2020 | Revised admissibility to travel by Taxi/ reimbursement of Taxi hire charges for using one’s own car for local official journeys at or near Headquarters |
F(E)I/2020/AL-28/13 | 08.07.2020 | RBE-50/2020 | Guidelines for air travel on Official Tours; sending requests though e-mail only. |
F(E)I/2020/AL-28/11 | 19.06.2020 | Delegation of Powers to Air Travel in connection with Final Location Survey of Bilaspur-Manali-Leh, new BG Railway Line. | |
F(E)I/2016/AL-7/1 | 09.06.2020 | RBE-43/2020 | Recommendation of 7th Pay Commission – Grant of Conveyance allowance at the revised rates to Railway Medical Officers. |
F(E)I/2016/AL-28/68 | 06.12.2019 | —- | Delegation of Powers to permit Air Travel in connection with the officers posted on USBRL Project. |
F(E)I/2018/Misc./5 | 13.09.2019 | Inconsistency in estimation of cost of staff for creation of work charged establishment reg. | |
F(E)I/2019/AL-28/44 | 23.07.2019 | Grant of TA/DA and Air Travel permission to Retired Railway Officers to attend Courts for deposition as prosecution witnesses as sanction for prosecution authenticating authority. | |
F(E)I/2019/AL-28/25 | 27.05.2019 | Re-delegation of power to sanction air travel by other than Air India flights- clarification regarding. | |
F(E)I/2016/AL-28/25 | 08.05.2019 | — | Guidelines on Air Travel on Official Tour-Purchase of Air Ticket from authorized agents reg. |
F(E)I/2019/AL-28/21 | 29.03.2019 | — | Grant of Air Travel permission to RPF / RPSF personnel on Jammu – Srinagar sector. |
F(E)I/2016/AL-28/25 | 12.03.2019 | 49/2019 | TA/DA & Air Travel of Railway Officers for business of the PSUs. |
F(E)I/2017/AL-4/5 | 11.03.2019 | 46/2019 | Grant of Special Compensatory Allowance subsumed under Tough Location Allowance; issue of corrigendum reg. |
F(E)I/2016/AL-28/25 | 19.02.2019 | — | Guidelines on Air Travel on Official Tours. |
F(E)I/2016/AL-28/25 | 31.12.2018 | — | Guidelines on Air Travel on Official Tour: Purchase of Air Ticket From Authorized travel agents-reg. |
F(E)I/2018/AL-28/73 | 14.12.2018 | 194/2018 | Controlling officers for the purpose of Travelling Allowance. |
F(E)I/2018/AL-28/72 | 30.11.2018 | 184/2018 | Extension of retirement age of Doctors – Travel entitlement reg. |
F(E)I/2016/AL-28/68 | 13.09.2018 | – | Delegation of powers to permit Air Travel in connection with the officers posted on USBRL Project. |
F(E)I/2016/AL-7-1 | 29.08.2018 | Payment of Conveyance Allowance to IRMS Doctors-reg. | |
F(E)I/2018/AL-28/37 | 06.06.2018 | – | Delegation of powers to permit Air Travel in connection with Final Location Survey of Bilaspur-Manali-Leh, new BG Railway line. |
F(E)I/2017/AL-28/41 | 10.05.2018 | 67/2018 | Air Travel entitlements for journeys on tour or training; revision or instructions reg. |
F(E)I/2017/AL-28/41 | 08.05.2018 | 64/2018 | Air Travel entitlements for journeys on tour or training; revision or instructions reg. |
F(E)I/2017/AL-28/41 | 24.04.2018 | 61/2018 | Air Travel entitlements for journeys on tour or taining; revision of instructions reg. |
F(E)I/2018/AL-28/29 | 23.03.2018 | 44/2018 | Time-limit for submission of claims for Travelling Allowances – reg. |
F(E)I/2017/AL-28/41 | 12.02.2018 | 21/2018 | TA/DA entitlement of Non-officials of Committees/Boards/Panels etc. |
F(E)I/2016/AL-28/25 | 22.12.2017 | 201/2017 | Guidelines on Air Travel on official tours. |
F(E)I/2017/AL-28/41 | 25.09.2017 | 138/2017 | Travelling Allowance Rules – Implementation of the recommendation of Seventh Central Pay Commission reg. |
F(E)I/2016/AL-28/25 | 21.09.2017 | 136/2017 | Guidelines on Air Travel on Official Tours – Purchase of air ticket from authorized agent. |
F(E)I/2017/AL-28/41 | 01.09.2017 | 117/2017 | Travelling Allowance Rules – Implementation of the recommendations of Seventh Central Pay Commission, clarification on CTG etc. reg. |
F(E)I/2016/AL-28/25 | 29.08.2017 | — | 58th AMP: Grant of permission to travel by airlines other than Air India reg. |
F(E)I/2017/AL-28/41 | 24.08.2017 | 103/2017 | Travelling Allowance Rules – Implementation of the Seventh Central Pay Commission. |
F(E)I/2016/AL-28/25 | 22.08.2017 | 100/2017 | Permission to Travel by Airlines other than Air India |
F(E)I/2017/AL-4/7 | 16.08.2017 | 95/2017 | Implementation on the recommendations of 7th Central Pay Commission regarding grant of Hard Area Allowance to Railway employees posted in the Nicobar Group of Islands and Islands of Union Territory of Lakshadweep other than Kavaratti & Agatti. |
F(E)I/2017/AL-7/1 | 11.08.2017 | 93/2017 | Revision of the rates of Cycle (Maintenance) Allowance: Implementation of Seventh Central Pay Commission’s recommendations. |
F(E)I/2017/AL-4/6 | 11.08.2017 | 92/2017 | Revision of the rate of Coal Pilot Allowance. |
F(E)I/2017/AL-4/5 | 11.08.2017 | 91/2017 | Grant of Special Compensatory Allwoances subsumed under Tough Location Allowance: Implementation of Seventh Central Pay Commission’s recommendations. |
F(E)I/2017/AL-4/4 | 10.08.2017 | 90/2017 | Abolition of Special Compensatory (Hill Area) Allowance: Implementation of Seventh Central Pay Commission’s recommendations. |
F(E)I/2017/AL-4/3 | 10.08.2017 | 89/2017 | Revision of Rates of Conveyance Allowance to Railway employees: Implementation of Seventh Central Pay Commission’s recommendations. |
F(E)I/2017/AL-4/2 | 10.08.2017 | 88/2017 | Special (Duty) Allowance for Railway employees serving in the North Eastern Region & Ladakh – Recommendations of Seventh Central Pay Commission. |
F(E)I/2017/AL-28/40 | 08.08.2017 | 84/2017 | Revision of rates of Daily Allowance to Railway employees on tour. |
F(E)I/2015/AL-28/58 | 16.03.2017 | 24/2017 | Grant of TA/DA to retired Railway Servants, re-engaged after retirement. |
F(E)I/2016/AL-28/68 | 09.11.2016 | Delegation of Powers regarding sanction of air-travel to General Manager/Northern Railway and DRM/Ferozpur Division/Northern Railway | |
F(E)I/2016/AL-28/71 | 09.11.2016 | – | Delegation of powers to General Managers – regarding Air Travel |
F(E)I/2016/AL-28/25 | 17.10.2016 | 122/2016 | Permission to Travel by Airlines other than Air India. |
F(E)I/2009/AL-7/1 | 30.08.2016 | 101/2016 | Recommendation of 6th Central Pay Commission – Grant of Conveyance Allowance at the revised rates to Railway Medical Officers. |
F(E)I/2016/AL-28/25 | 16.05.2016 | 49/2016 | Permission to Travel by Airlines other than Air India. |
F(E)I/2016/AL-28/22 | 29.04.2016 | 43/2016 | Permission to Travel by Air to officers deputed as Expenditure Observer by Election Commission. |
F(E)I/2015/AL-28/57 | 23.12.2015 | 161/2015 | Clarification regarding grant of CTG. |
F(E)I/2015/AL-28/23 | 10.12.2015 | 154/2015 | Entitlement of Air Travel. |
F(E)I/2015/AL-28/46 | 21.09.2015 | 108/2015 | Payment of difference on arrears of TA/DA arising out of Railway Board’s letter No. F(E)I/2011/AL-28/18 dt. 29.4.14. |
F(E)I/2009/AL-28/21 | 25.08.2015 | 93/2015 | Admissibility of Daily Allowance to Staff Car Drivers. |
F(E)I/2015/AL-28/23 | 03.06.2015 | 56/2015 | Clarification on travel by Air in Business Class as stipulated in Economy Measures issued by Ministry of Finance. |
F(E)I/2005/AL-29/4 | 01.05.2015 | 41/2015 | Grant of Washing Allowance to all employees drawing Grade Pay of Rs. 1800/- and provided official uniform. |
F(E)1/2011/AL-4/5 | 13.06.2014 | 62/2014 | Revision of the rate of Coal Pilot Allowance. |
F(E)I/2011/AL-28/18 | 29.04.2014 | 39/2014 | Enhancement in the rate of various allowances by 25% as a result of enhancement of Dearness Allowance upto 100% w.e.f. 01.01.2014. |
F(E)I/2013/AL-4/4 | 31.05.2013 | 52/2013 | Tribal Area Allowance. |
F(E)I/2010/AL-28/36 | 23.05.2013 | 49/2013 | Travelling Allowance Rules – Amendment to rules contained in Chapter 16 of Indian Railway Establishment Code Vol. II (Second Reprint Edition), 2005. |
F(E)I/2012/AL-29/7 | 01/10/2012 | 110/2012 | Grant of Washing Allowance to the category of Track Maintainer Gr. – III & IV. |
F(E)I/2011/AL-28/26 | 14/02/2012 | 19/2012 | Travelling Allowance rules – Journey on Transfer/Retirement. |
F(E)I/2011/AL-28/26 | 01/09/2011 | 118/2011 | Travelling Allowance rules – Journey on Transfer/Retirement. |
F(E)I/2011/AL-28/18 | 13/06/2011 | 87/2011 | Enhancement in the rates of various allowances by 25% as a result of enhancement of Dearness Allowance w.e.f. 01.01.2011. |
F(E)I/2011/AL-4/4 | 12/09/2011 | 122/2011 | Grant of Sunderban Allowance to Railway employees working in West Bengal. |
F(E)I/2009/AL-7/1 | 26/07/2011 | 111/2011 | Recommendation of 6th Central Pay Commission – Grant of Conveyance Allowance at the revised rates of Railway Medical Officers. |
F(E)I/2010/AL-28/46 | 26/05/2011 | 76/2011 | Payment of Composite Transfer Grant. |
F(E)I/2008/AL-28/15 | 08/03/2011 | 30/2011 | Travelling Allowance Rules – Implementations of the recommendations of the Sixth Central Pay Commission – Journey on Transfer. |
F(E)I/2008/AL-28/15 | 29/12/2010 | 189/2010 | Travelling Allowance Rules – Implementation of the recommendations of the Sixth Central Pay Commission – Journey on Transfer. |
F(E)I/2009/AL-28/42 | 19/08/2010 | 123/2010 | Revised admissibility to travel by taxi/reimbursement of taxi hire charges for using one’s own car for local official journeys at or near headquarters. |
F(E)I/2008/AL-28/15 | 08/06/2010 | 83/2010 | Travelling Allowance Rules – Implementation of the Sixth Central Pay Commission – Journey on Transfer. |
F(E)I/2009/AL-7/1 | 24.07.2009 | 135/2009 | Recommendation of 6th CPC – Grant of Conveyance Allowance at the revised rates to Railway Medical Officers. |
F(E)I/2008/AL-7/3 | 03/10/2008 | 140/2008 | Revision of Rates of Conveyance Allowance to Railway employees – Recommendations of the Sixth Central Pay Commission. |
F(E)I/2008/AL-4/8 | 18/09/2008 | 118/2008 | Special (Duty) Allowance for Railway Employees serving in the North Eastern Region – Recommendations of Sixth Central Pay Commission. |
F(E)I/2008/AL-4/6 | 22/09/2008 | 119/2008 | Special Compensatory (Remote Locality) Allowance – Recommendations of the Sixth Central Pay Commission – Revision of rates. |
F(E)I/2008/AL-4/5 | 16/09/2008 | 114/2008 | Special Compensatory (Bad Climate) Allowance – Recommendations of the Sixth Central Pay Commission – Revision of rates. |
F(E)I/2008/AL-7/2 | 18/09/2008 | 115/2008 | Cycle (maintenance) Allowance – Recommendations of the Sixth Central Pay Commission – Revision of rates. |
F(E)I/2008/AL-4/4 | 16/09/2008 | 113/2008 | Special Compensatory (Hill Area) Allowance – Recommendations of the Sixth Central Pay Commission – Revision of rates. |
F(E)I/96/AL-4/8 | 24.8.2001 | 164/01 | Grant of Sunderban Allowance to Rly. employees. Working in West Bengal. |
F(E)I/97/AL-4/3 | 3.11.2000 | 191/00 | Special Compensatory( Tribal Area/ Schedule Area/Agency Area Allowance) Gujrat State. |
F(E)I/98/AL-28/15 | 20.7.1998 | 160/98 | Drawal of advance of TA on transfer ?amount of transfer grant payable on carrying out the order of transfer. |
F(E)I/98/AL-4/2 | 26.6.1998 | 146/98 | Bad Climate Allowance to Railway employees posted in unhealthy localities. |
F(E)I/98/AL-4/5 | 5.11.1998 | 253/98 | Corrigendum / Schedule / Trible Area Allowance ? Recommendation of 5th CPC- Revision of rates. |
F(E)I/98/AL-4/5 | 2.9.1998 | 197/98 | Scheduled/ TAA- Recommendation of 5th CPC- Revision of rates. |
F(E)I/98/AL-4/6 | 7.1.1999 | 297/98 | Special Compensatory (Remote Locality ) Allowance – Recommendation of 5th CPC- Revision of rates |
F(E)I/98/AL-4/6-A | 28.9.1998 | 226/98 | Corrigendum- Special Compensatory (Remote Locality ) Allowance – Recommendation of 5th CPC- Revision of rates |
F(E)I/98/AL-4/6-B | 2.9.1998 | 198/98 | Special Compensatory (Remote Locality ) Allowance – Recommendation of 5th CPC- Revision of rates |
F(E)I/98/AL-4/8 | 13.10.1998 | 234/98 | Composite hill compensatory Allowance – Recommendation of 5th CPC- Revision of rates |
F(E)I/98/AL-4/11 | 24.5.1999 | 111/99 | Revision of rates of Coal Pilot Allowance. |
F(E)I/98/AL-7/3 | 13.10.1998 | 235/98 | Recommendation of 5th CPC- Grant of Conveyance Allowance at revised rates to Railway medical officers |
F(E)I/98/AL-28/9 | 12.3.1999 | 29/99 | Travelling Allowance rules- Advance Correction slip No. 31 to R-II (1990 edition) ? Entitlements for journeys by taxi on tour. |
F(E)I/98/AL-28/9-A | 24.4.1998 | 82/98 | Travelling Allowance rules- Implementation of the recommendation of 5th CPC ? Journeys on tour. |
F(E)I/98/AL-28/10-A | 1.5.1998 | 89/98 | Travelling Allowance rules- Implementation of the recommendation of 5th CPC ? Journeys on transfer |
F(E)I/98/AL-28/10-B | 1.5.1998 | 90/98 | Travelling Allowance rules- Implementation of the recommendation of 5th CPC ? Journeys on transfer- Option to pre- 1.5.76 appointees to claims full amount of composite transfer grant. |
F(E)I/98/AL-28/10-C | 18.5.1998 | 107/98 | Corrigendum ? Entitlements to travel by Air on transfer. |
F(E)I/98/AL-28/10-CA | 1.5.1998 | 91/98 | Entitlements to travel by air on tour. |
F(E)I/98/AL-28/10-D | 18.5.1998 | 104/98 | Travelling Allowance rules- Implementation of the recommendation of 5th CPC ? Journeys on transfer- Settlements of arrears claims. |
F(E)I/98/AL-28/10-A | 5.1.1999 | 296/98 | Travelling Allowance rules- Implementation of the recommendation of 5th CPC ? Journeys on transfer- |
F(E)I/98/AL-28/13 | 15.7.1998 | 156/98 | Travelling Allowance rules- Implementation of the recommendation of 5th CPC ? Journeys on transfer |
F(E)I/98/AL-28/17 | 27.11.1998 | 258/98 | Travelling Allowance rules- Amendments to rules contained in chapter 16 of IREC Vol- II ( First reprint ), 1990. |
F(E)I/98/AL-28/20 | 1.2.1999 | 14/99 | Payment of TA/DA to retired Railway servants for journeys undertaken by them for attending departmental enquiry as defence assistants. |
F(E)I/99/AL-28/13 | 10.12.1999 | 304/99 | Air travel by Railway servants. |
F(E)I/99/AL-7/1 | 26.3.1999 | 59/99 | Admissibility of conveyance charges ?clarification in the context of transport Allowance. |
F(E)I/99/AL-28/2 | 18.6.1999 | 130/99 | Travelling Allowance rules- Transfer traveling Allowance Amendments to rules 1643 chapter 16 of IREC Vol- II ( First reprint ), 1990 |
F(E)I/99/AL-28/14 | 9.3.2000 | 38/00 | Reckoning of Non-practicing Allowance(NPA) payable to Med. Officers ? for the purpose of computation of TA entitlements including Composite Transfer Grant . |
F(E)I/99/AL-29/4 | 6.1.2000 | Jan-00 | Amendment to Rule 1422 ? R ?II- Washing Allowance. |
F(E)I/99/AL-29/4-A | 10.5.2000 | 83/00 | Amendment to para 706 of IREM (1989 Edition) ? Washing Allowance. |
F(E)I/99/AL-29/4-AA | 6.1.2000 | Feb-00 | Amendment to para 706 of IREM (1989 Edition) ? Washing Allowance. |
F(E)I/2000/AL-29/2 | 9.2.2001 | 29/2001 | Increase in the rates of washing allowance applicable to Railway employees. |
F(E)I/2000/AL-4/6 | 8.4.2004 | 79/2004 | Grant of Tribal Area Allowance to the Railway employees working in the excluded Tribal blocks of Madya Pradesh / Chhattisgarh. |
F(E)I/2000/AL-4/6-A | 18.1.2001 | Dec-01 | Grant of TAA to to Railway employees working in the Tribal Area of Madya Pradesh |
F(E)I/2000/AL-4/6-(a) | 6.6.2002 | 76/2002 | Grant of TAA to to Railway employees working in the Tribal Area of Madya Pradesh |
F(E)I/2000/AL-7/4 | 31.5.2001 | 103/2001 | Revision of Conveyance Allowance to Railway employees. |
F(E)I/2001/AL-28/10 | 14.1.2003 | Aug-03 | Travelling Allowance Rule- Payment of Composite Transfer Grant to Railway employees for settlement after retirement . |
F(E)I/2001/AL-7/1 | 4.5.2001 | 84/2001 | Regulation of TA/DA as on tour to Railway officials for attending meeting of Non Government Organisition . |
F(E)I/2001/AL-28/11 | 3.5.2002 | 58/2002 | Air travel by Railway servants – Reduction in Non-plan expenditure. |
F(E)I/2002/AL-8/2 | 20.8.2002 | 137/2002 | Payment of daily allowance in the cities downgraded for the purpose of CCA ? Clarification regarding . |
F(E)I/2002/AL-28/12 | 31.10.2002 | 197/2002 | Regulation of Composite Transfer Grant on promotion- clarification regarding. |
F(E)I/2002/AL-28/15 | 27.12.2002 | 225/2002 | Air travel by Railway servants. |
F(E)I/2002/AL-29/1 | 18.9.2002 | 158/2002 | Grant of washing allowance to canteen employees. |
F(E)I/2003/AL-8/3 | 7.1.2004 | Jul-04 | Corrigendum to ACS No 53, IREC VOL-II (First reprint 1990) Regarding controlling officer for purposes of travelling Allowance. |
F(E)I/2003/AL-8/3 | 20.11.2003 | 196/2003 | Controlling officer for purposes of Travelling Allowance. |
F(E)I/2003/AL-28/1 | 4.4.2003 | 55/2003 | Composite transfer grant in event of death ? Delegation of powers. |
F(E)I/2003/AL-28/5 | 23.5.2003 | 85/2003 | Reckoning of Non- practicing allowance (NPA) payable to Medical officers for the purpose of computation of TA Entitlement including CTG. |
F(E)I/2003/AL-28/7 | 16.9.2003 | — | Restriction of Air travel. |
F(E)I/2003/AL-28/11 | 16.2.2004 | 27/2004 | Payment of Composite transfer grant to Railway employees who do not avail of the facility of Kit pass. |
F(E)I/2003/AL-28/13 | 9.3.2004 | — | Claiming of daily allowance along with Road Mileage for Local journey beyond the radius of 8 KMs. |
F(E)I/2004/AL-28/6 | 23.7.2004 | 157/2004 | Travelling Allowance rules- Implementation of the recommendation of 5th CPC ? Journeys on Tour. |
F(E)I/2004/AL-28/15 | 12.1.2005 | Mar-05 | Grant of CTG- Clarification regarding . |
F(E)I/2005/AL-4/2 | 22.3.2005 | 51/2005 | Merger of 50% of DA with pay ? Revision of pay range slab for the purpose of special compensatory (Remote Locality ) Allowance. |
F(E)I/2005/AL-4/4 | 21.2.2006 | 21/2006 | Merger of 50% of DA with pay ? Revision of pay range slab for the purpose of Composite Hill Compensatory Allowance. |
F(E)I/2005/AL-4/5 | 21.2.2006 | 19/2006 | Merger of 50% of DA with pay ? Revision of pay range slab for the purpose of Tribal Area Allowance. |
F(E)I/2005/AL-4/6 | 25.5.2006 | 65/2006 | Merger of 50% of DA with pay ? Revision of pay range slab for the purpose of Bad Climate Allowance. |
F(E)I/2005/AL-4/6-A | 21.2.2006 | 20/2006 | Merger of Dearness Allowance with basic pay ? Revision of pay range slab for the purpose of Bad Climate Allowance. |
F(E)I/2005/AL-28/7 | 21.9.2005 | 157/2005 | Journey by Air ? Audit objection regarding. |
F(E)I/2006/AL-28/4 | 19.7.2006 | 92/2006 | Air travel by Government servants with in India. |
No. F(E)1I1I99/PN1/20 Voi.lI | 27.09.2007 | 124/2007 | Allotment of higher pay scales to Railway Accounts Staff – Revision of pension of Accounts staff retired during the period from 1.1.1996 to 18.2.2003. |
No.F(E)III/2005/PN1/I23 | 20.09.2007 | 120/2007 | Restoration of 1/3rdcommuted portion of pension in respect of Government servants who had drawn lumpsum payment on absorption in public sector undertakings/ autonomous bodiesimplementation of Andhra Pradesh High Court judgement dated 24.12.03 in Writ Petition No. 8532 of 2003 followed by the Supreme Court judgement dated 29..11.06 in Civil Appeal No. 5269 of 2006 arising out ofSLP Nos. 21647-648 of 2005 and the Supreme Court judgement dated 24.7.07 in Review Petition No. 643 of 07. |
No. F(E)III/2007/PN1/5 | 18.09.2007 | 116/2007 | Extension of scope of family pension to unmarried daughters of Railway servants/pensioners. |
No.F(E)I/2008/AL-29/1 | 30.09.2008 | 137/2008 | Washing Allowance-Recommendations of the Sixth Central Pay Commission- Revision of Rates |
No.F(E)I/2008/AL-28/14 | 01.12.2008 | 192/2008 | Travelling Allowance Rules – Implementation of the Sixth Central Pay Commission – Journey on Tour. |
No.F(E)-I/2008/AL-28/15 | 01.12.2008 | 193/2008 | Travelling Allowance Rules – Implementation of the Sixth Central Pay Commission – Journey on Transfer. |
No. F(E)I/2006/AL-28/15 | 12.03.2008 | 32/2008 | Admissibility of Daily Allowance to Staff Car Drivers. |
F(E)I/2006/AL-7/5 | 27.03.2008 | 46/2008 | Grant of conveyance allowance to medical officers. |
No. F(E)I/2008/AL-28/15 | 19.03.2009 | 53/2009 | Travelling Allowance Rules – Implementation of the Sixth Central Pay Commission -’ Journey on Transfer. |
No.F(E)I/2008/AL-28/14 | 23.04.2009 | 69/2009 | T A Rules – Clarification regarding entitlement of Mileage Allowance for journeys by Road while on Tour. |
F(E)I/2009/AL-28/30 | 11.06.2009 | 105/2009 | Travelling Allowance Rules – Implementation of the recommendations of Sixth Central Pay Commission-Journey on Tour. |
F(E)-I/2005/ AL.-29/2 | 14.11.2008 | 174/2008 | Grant of Washing Allowance to all the Dressers/Operation Theatre Assistants. |
F(E)-I/2008/AL-28/15 | 13.07.2009 | 126/2009 | Grant of composite transfer grant-Clarification regarding |
F(E)-I/2009/AL-7/1 | 24.07.2009 | 135/2009 | Recommendation of 6th Central Pay Commission-Grant of conveyance allowance at the revised rates to Railway Medical Officers |
F(E)-I/2006/AL-28/4 | 27.07.2009 | 137/2009 | Air Travel on official account-both domestic and international |
F(E)I/2007/AL-29/1 | 15.04.2010 | 55/2010 | Grant of Washing Allowance to Safaiwalas working in Railway colonies |