Report and pictures on the observance of “All India Demands Day” on 13.10.2015 by RDSO
The General Secretary,
New Delhi.
Respected Comrade,
On 13th October 2015, a Demonstration was held on call of AIRF and observed as “Demand Day”, by raising our demands with great enthusiasm at RDSO, Lucknow. A large number of RDSO employees have participated in the Demonstration and shown their anger and dissatisfaction against anti Railway staff policies of Government and Rail Ministry. The gathering was addressed by Sh. Satvir Singh, President, myself and leaders of other Employees Associations of RDSO (including CTSA, JSSA, SC/ST and OBC Associations)
We are enclosing some photographs of the same for your kind perusal.
Seeking for your blessings and guidance always.
With regards,
S.K. Bajpai
Gen. Secretary