RBE No.22./2018
No.E(NG)I-2016/PM1/12 New Delhi, dated: 16.02.2018
The General Manager(P)
All Indian railways & PUs
(as per standard list)
Sub: Amendment to Para 122 of IREM- Provision regarding filling up posts of Station Masters.
Attention is invited to para 122 of IREM Volume-I (Revised Edition-1989, First Re- print Edition, 2009), elaborating the procedure of filling up the post of’ ASM/SM.
Consequent to the upgradation ofthe post of i\SM and its merger with the post of Station Master along with functions by th CPC, the issue of change in staffing pattern of Station Masters was under consideration in Railway Board in consultation with both the Federations (NFIR & IRl) and Traffic Directorate of Railway Board, and it has now been decided that employees of I ,evel-1 (i.e. GP Rs. 1800) of Operating Department of Railways with 5 (five) years service may be made eligible to appear in 25% ‘General Selection’ quota.
Accordingly, Para-122 of the Indian Railway Establishment Manual, Volume I, (Revised Edition 1989) First Re-print Edition, 2009, is amended as per ACS No.
Please acknowledge receipt.
Deputy Director-TI/L(NG)J
Railway Board.
(1989 EDITION, First Re-print Edition-2009)
Chapter I, Section-8, Sub-Section III (Recruitment and Training) – Rules governing the filling up posts in Transportation (Traffic) Department
Substitute the following for the existing Para 122 :-
122. (1) The Posts in the category of Station Master in Level-6 Rs.35400-112400/- shall be filled as under:
(i) 60% by Direct recruitment from amongst persons having the qualification of Graduation, through RRBs;
(ii) 15% by Limited Departmental Competitive Examination(LDCE) from amongst staff working in Operating and Commercial Departments in Level-l to Level-S with an upper age limit of 45 years (50 years in case of SC/ST) and and qualification of Graduation subject to the condition that staff in Level-l have rendered a minimum of 5 years regular Railway Service; shortfall, if any, against the quota being made good by direct recruitment; and
(iii) 25% by General Selection from amongst employees possessing the qualification of Matriculation and working as Shunting ]amadars, Shunting Masters, Cabinmen Grade – /, Switchmen, Sr. Signallers and Sr. Train Clerks in Level-4 and Leverman Gr./, Pointsman Gr./, Shuntman Gr./, Gr. /, Cabinman Gr.II and Train Clerks all Level-2 · with an upper age limit of 45 years (50 years in the case of SCjST), shortfall, if any~. against the quota being made good by LDCE at (ii) above. This age limit will be subject to the exception at Para- 3 below. Staff in Level-l (erstwhile 6th CPC GP Rs. 1800) may be allowed to appear with qualification of Matriculation and 5 years of regular service.
(2) Qualifications etc. for direct recruitment are as under :-
(i) Educational : A University degree or its equivalent. Diploma in Rail Transport and Management from the Institute of Rail Transport will be an additional desirable qualification.
(ii) Age: Between 18-30 years.
“(iii) Training & Stipend: Training period is 75 days. Stipend 1f 29200/- per month.” (No. PC-V /2016/PS/1 (Stipend) [S.No. PCVII/14 dated 02.02.2017 (RBE No. 08/2017).
(3) Upper age limit for promotion of Switchmen (and Levermen and Cabinmen, wherever they are considered in lieu of Switchmen) as SM against 25% Quota set apart for them will be SO years. [E(NG)I-86PM2-20(PNM) dt. 15-
( 4) Channel of Promotion/Higher grades : The next higher grade posts available in this category in the normal channel of promotion will be that of Station Superintendent in Level-7 scale 1f 44900-142400 (6th CPC GP Rs.
All the posts of Station Superintendent in Level-7 1f 4900-142400 will be filled up 100°/o by promotion through Selection from the feeder grade of Station Master.
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