NO. 2018/Trans Cell/Health/CGHS                                            Dated: 26.10.2018

The General Manager, All Indian Railways/PUs, NF(Con), CORE
The DG/RDSO/Lucknow, DG/NAIR/Vadodara

Sub: Recognition of CGHS empanelled Hospitals & Diagnostic Centres for Railway Medical Beneficiaries and Referral & Domiciliary care of Railway Medical Beneficiaries for Physiotherapy, Occupational Therapy and Speech Therapy.
Ref: 1. Department of Health & Family Welfat·e OM no- S.llOll/24/2011-CGHS (P) dated 01.06.2011
2. Railway Boud’s letter no. 2014/H-1/19/3/PNM dated 05.10.2015
3. Railway Boanl’s letter no. 2016/H-1/11/69/Hospital Recognition dated 23.12.2016

With reference to the above subject, Board (MS, FC & CRB) have approved the following:
I . Recognition of all CGHS empanelled Hospitals and Diagnostics Centres ,for referral of Railway medical beneficiaries
1.1 Board have approved the recognition of all CGHS empanelled Hospitals, exclusive Eye Hospitals/Centres, Exclusive Dental Clinics, Cancer Hospitals, Diagnostic Laboratories and Imaging Centres for referral of Railway beneficiaries at CGHS rates of the City.
1.2 The MD/CMS/CMO/ACMS-incharge of the Railway Hospital will sign the MOU with the concerned CGHS empanelled Hospitals, exclusive Eye Hospitals/Centres, Exclusive Dental Clinics, Cancer Hospitals, Diagnostic
Laboratories and Imaging Centres.
1.3 In case the hospital(s) is derecognized by CGHS or the recognition is not extended for any reason, then, unless and until specifically allowed by the Railways, the Railway recognition shall stand withdrawn.
2. Referral of Railway Medical Beneficiaries for Physiotherapy, Occupational Therapy and Speech Therapy and adoption of same Guidelines on Railways issued for CGHS beneficiaries ‘For Domicilimy rehabilitation, medicine
intervention for reimbursement.’
2.1 A Railway Medical Beneficiaries may be referred for rehabilitation health services (physiotherapy, occupational therapy and speech therapy, etc.), not avai lable at the Railway hospital, at recognized Government Hospital/Private Hospital at CGHS rates or at CGHS approved Hospital at CGHS rates.
2.2 For these services, Zonal Railways are empowered to empanel the Government or Private Hospitals/Centres for referral at par with empanelment of other specialty hospitals at CGHS rates for referral to Railway beneficiaries.
2.3 Adoption of Guidelines in Railways for domiciliary (home care) rehabilitation medicine intervention for reimbursement to CGHS beneficiaries issued by Ministry of Health and Family Welfare vides OM No. S.l1011/24/2011-CGHS (P) dated 01.06.2011, as it is and as modified from time to time, for Railway beneficiaries (copy enclosed).
3. The List of Hospital(s) recognized by Railways and CGHS empanelled shall be displayed at the railway hospital(s) and also on the websites indi cating the specialties avai lable in the hospital for wide publicity and awareness of Railway medical beneficiaries.
4. Other rules & guidelines as issued from Board sha ll remain unchanged and as modified from time to time.
This issues with the concurrence of Associate Finance of Transformation Cell of Railway Board.
Kindly acknowledge the receipt and ensure compliance.

(Umesh Balonda)
Executive Director/S&T
Transformation Cell
Dated: 26.10.2018
Executive Director Accounts
Transformation Cell

Signed Copy