In continuation of our earlier communication dated 12th September, 2019(containing Notice for the 95th Annual Convention of AIRF), it is hereby notified that, the 95th Annual Convention of AIRF will now be held on 4-6 December, 2019 in Chennai instead of 5-7 December, 2019 as was advised earlier….
No.AIRF/03 Dated: September 30, 2019
The General Secretaries,
All Affiliated Unions,
Dear Comrades,
Sub: Change in the dates of the 95th Annual Convention of AIRF
Ref.: Our earlier letter dated September 12, 2019
In continuation of our earlier communication dated 12th September, 2019(containing Notice for the 95th Annual Convention of AIRF), it is hereby notified that, the 95th Annual Convention of AIRF will now be held on 4-6 December, 2019 in Chennai instead of 5-7 December, 2019 as was advised earlier.
The following will be the schedule of the said Convention:-
4th December, 2019 – “National Youth Conference” of AIRF –
5th December, 2019 – “Women Conference”, “Rally” and “Open Session” of the 95th Annual Convention of AIRF
You are, therefore, requested to kindly ensure that your Youth Delegates should reach Chennai either in the evening of 3rd December, 2019 or in the morning of 4th December, 2019, while other Delegates and Observers can reach Chennai by evening of 4th December or early morning of 5th December, 2019.
Notice is hereby issued, Under Article 7(C) of AIRF’s Constitution, that, the 95th Annual Convention of AIRF will be held at Chennai(Southern Railway) from 5-7 December, 2019, and the following will be the agenda:-….
No.AIRF/03 Dated: September 12, 2019
The General Secretaries,
All Affiliated Unions,
Dear Comrades,
Sub: Notice for the 95th Annual Convention of AIRF, scheduled to be held at Chennai (Southern Railway) from 5-7 December, 2019
Notice is hereby issued, Under Article 7(C) of AIRF’s Constitution, that, the 95th Annual Convention of AIRF will be held at Chennai(Southern Railway) from 5-7 December, 2019, and the following will be the agenda:-
1. Consideration of the General Secretary’s Report.
2. Passing of Audited Statement of Accounts.
3. Consideration of the Resolutions.
4. Consideration of the Amendments to the Constitution, if any.
5. Elections of the Office Bearers and Zonal Secretaries of AIRF.
6. Any other matter with the permission of the Chair.
(i) Only those unions who have submitted Audited Statement of Accounts and have paid
full Affiliation Fee for the period ending 2018 are eligible to participate in the
(ii) Delegation for the Convention will be on the basis of Q1 for every 1000 members or part
thereof, but above 500 on the membership for the year ending 2018.
(iii) Delegation Fee will be Rs.1 00.