It is a matter of great satisfaction that, as per notified schedule, all the Office Bearers of AIRF have attended the “First Meeting of the Standing Committee of AIRF”, through Video Conferencing, held today, and this was a very successful event………
No.AIRF/24(C) Dated: May 21, 2020
The General Secretaries,
All Affiliated Unions,
Dear Comrades,
Sub: Action Programme against Freezing of Dearness Allowance/Dearness Relief and other issues
related to the Railwaymen
It is a matter of great satisfaction that, as per notified schedule, all the Office Bearers of AIRF have attended the “First Meeting of the Standing Committee of AIRF”, through Video Conferencing, held today, and this was a very successful event.
At the outset, President AIRF, explained in detail; the present scenario and the situation caused by countrywide lockdown due to Coronavirus outbreak.
Myself also briefly talked about the important issues, viz. Freezing of Dearness Allowance/Dearness Relief, Labour Reforms – Updation of Indian Railway Establishment Code and Indian Railway Establishment Manual, Reduction in the Staff Strength, Restoration of OPS, Scrapping NPS and other important issues relating to payment of ALK(HQ) to Running Staff, grant of Transport Allowance to those Railway Employees who could not attend office even for a single day due to enforcement of the lockdown owing to COVID-19 Pandemic, Honorarium/Incentive to all sections of the Railwaymen performed duty despite Covid-19 threat, cancellation of Periodical Transfers of the staff, multi-skilling of the staff, online Refresher Course for Running Staff, opening of PRSs and Booking Offices and reverting back the works, given to the IRCTC, to Railway Employees, extension of validity of Privilege/Duty/Complimentary Passes and PTOs, etc. etc.
On the issue of Freezing of Dearness Allowance and Dearness Relief, the undersigned informed that, he is pursuing the matter at the highest level, but we should remain prepare for the future struggle.
The General Secretary thanked to all the Office Bearers of AIRF affiliates for taking various steps for helping the Unorganized and Precarious Workers during the lockdown, enforced due to COVID-19 outbreak, viz., distribution of Food Packets, Ration, Sanitizers, Masks, etc. etc. as also contributing in the PM CARES.
Dr. N. Kanniah, Working President AIRF, at the outset, thanked the General Secretary AIRF for holding Video Conference of AIRF Office Bearers, and apprehended about the issue of payment of Transport Allowance, referred to the DoP&T by the Railway Board. He also raised the issues of recovery of 6 days salary per month for a period of 18 months, freezing of DA/DR, Increment and curtailment in other Allowances.
Com. J.R. Bhosale, Treasurer AIRF, appreciated the General Secretary AIRF for his efforts, made during the lockdown, on various issues related to the Railwaymen. He did not left Delhi in spite of death of his brother-in-law. He further mentioned that country’s economic situation has forced the Government of India for taking some more actions against the employees, and for that we should always remain prepare to face upon.
All the Office Bearers of AIRF, while explaining the position of their own Zonal Railways, have also made valuable suggestions.
Generally, it was felt that, the Government of India and Ministry of Railways are inclined to step forward towards Privatization and Reducing Staff Strength of the Railwaymen, taking the lockdown as an opportunity.
Since AIRF has always stood to the occasion, as such, it was decided to lodge protest against these actions of the Government, for which, from 1-6 June, 2020 shall be observed as “Awareness Week”, wherein our Comrades shall make man-to-man contact, observing protocol of social distancing and other safety measures, to educate the rank and file about the atrocities of the Government. Finally, 8th June, 2020 shall be observed as “Nationwide Protest Day” by wearing black badges by all the Railwaymen throughout the country. All of you are requested to take action accordingly, and reports be forwarded to AIRF Office for better appreciation thereof.