GOVERNMENT OF INDIA / भारत सरकार MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS / रेल मंत्रालय (Railway Board) रेलवे बोर्ड
S.No. PC-VII/ 203 No. PC-V/2021/MACP/23/NCR(E)
RBE No. New Delhi, dated
31/2023 14-02-2023
Sub: Grant of financial upgradation under MACPS by counting 50%
Temporary Status of Casual Labour Service and 100% Temporary
Status Service of Substitutes.
The General Managers (P), All Indian Railways and PUs.
On receipt of references from some of the Zonal Railways regarding counting or otherwise of 50% Temporary Status Casual Labour Service and 100% Temporary Status Service of Substitutes for the purpose of MACP, the matter has since been examined in consultation with DoP&T. Pointing out Para 3 of their OM No. DoP&T’s OM No. 35034/3/2015-Estt. (D) dated 22-10-2019 (circulated vide Board’s letter dated 04.02.2020/ RBE No. 16/2020) which stipulates that casual employees, including those granted “temporary status and employees appointed in the Government on ad-hoc or on contract basis, shall not qualify for the benefit under the Scheme, and Para 9 of Annexure-l to the said OM which provides that ‘regular service’ for the purpose of MACPS shall commence form the date of joining of a post indirect entry grade on a regular basis either on direct recruitment basis or on absorption/re-employment basis. Service rendered on casual, ad hoc / contract basis before regular appointment on pre-appointment training shall not be taken into reckoning, DoP&T has reaffirmed its decision communicated vide Item No. 6 of their OM dated 05-04-2021 (circulated vide Board’s letter dated 30-04-2021/RBE No. 33/2021) regarding not counting 50 % of temporary status casual service for the purpose of MACPS. In light of DoP&T’s above clarification the instructions issued vide Board’s letter dated 04-12-2009/RBE No.215/2009 and Board’s letter dated 25-02-2010/RBE No. 36/2010 stands withdrawn. However, the cases already decided need not be re-opened.
- This has the concurrence of the Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways.
- Hindi version is enclosed.
(Sudha A. Kujur)
Deputy Director, Pay Commission Railway Board