Sub:-Grant of Transport Allowance to Railway employees.
Reference is invited to Railway Board’s letter of even number dt.12.09.2008 (RBE No.111/2008) regarding grant of Transport Allowance to Railway employees, consequent upon the implementation of the recommendations of the Sixth Central Pay Commission (6th CPC).
2. The Government has since considered the re-classification of cities/towns/localities as per Census-2011 (population criteria) for the purpose of Transport Allowance. Accordingly, the President is pleased to decide the revised classification of cities, towns and localities 1 for the purpose of grant of Transport Allowance at higher rates to ,Railway employees, as per Annexure-I. Therefore, the table below para ‘1’ of Railway Board’s letter dt.l2.09.2008 stands partially modified as under:-
RBE 95/2015 has been uploaded underneath:-