Pictures of Youth Convention of NRMU held at Haridwar 26.12.2015
Youth Convention of Northern Railwaymen’s Union held at Haridwar on 26-27.12.2015. Lots of enthusiastic youths from Northern Railway participated in first ever youth convention of NRMU. Com. Shiva Gopal Misha GS/AIRF/NRMU was chief guest of the convention. Com. S.K. Tyagi President/NRMU chaired the youth convention. Com. Mukesh Mathur GS/NWREU was special guest in the convention. Com. Shiva Gopal Mishra urged the youths of Indian Railway to come forward and go for sustained struggle for their rights. He appreciated that youths for showing great enthusiasm in convention. Com. S.K. Tyagi hailed the efforts of youths of Indian Railways for showing awareness towards their rights. He said that youth of today is very much advanced and know their rights and also know how to protect those.