Strike Notice to General Managers
Dear Comrades,
9th June, 2016 has been great Success when thousands of Raiwaymen gathered on their respective General Managers office and submitted notice for withdrawal of labour to them.
On the call of National Joint Council of Action (NJCA) all most all Constituents of Staff Side JCM submitted Strike Notice to their employers.
On all the Headquarters of General Managers Offices there had been huge gathering of employees with a great enthusiasm. The employees are in full mood for Strike from 11th July 2016, if the demands are not resolved well before.
There had been many round of Talks at various level but remain inconclusive due to willy Nilly attitude of government. Not only serving employees even Pensioners have also boiled hearing that option one will be diluted by government.
The New Pension System has become a eyesore not only for New Pensioners but even to the Pensioners and they have Joined hands to fight it out.
Comrades NJCA has given a Clarion Call for huge demonstration on parliament house on 24th June, 2016. All the negotiations except on Charter of demand had also been suspended by affiliates to accelerate the moment. It is your duty to reach all nook and corner to all Railwaymen and prepare them for total strike from 6.00 AM of 11th July.
We are sure that this strike will be largest among all held in the past and we all have to make it a great success.
With Best Wishes,
E-magazine AIRF JUNE 2016 has been uploaded below:-