Government of India
Ministry of Railways
Railway Board
RBE No. 201/2018
No. PC-VI/2009/1/3(Vol.II) dated: 27/12/2018
The General Managers,
All India Railways/Pus etc.
(As per standard Mailing List)
Sub:- Revision of designations of erstwhile Group ‘D’ categories
As a result of the implementation of the 6th CPC’s recommendations, the pre-revised(5th CPC) scales of Rs. 2550-3200, 2610-3540, 2610-4000 were merged and granted a common replacement pay structure of PB-1 with Grade Pay Rs. 1800/- (Corresponding to 5th CPC equivalent of Rs. 2750-4400). This is now replaced with Level-1 in the 7th CPC Pay Matrix.
2. The issue of revision/rationalisation of the designations of these erstwhile Group ‘D’ (present Level-1) categories has been under consideration in Board’s office. It has now been decided in consultation with nodal directorates in Board’s office and both recognised Staff Federations that existing designation of erstwhile Group ‘D’ categories where grades hae been merged and granted common replacement pay structure may be revised as shown in the Annexure’A’ to this letter. Suggested revised prospective medical classifications have also been indicated. It is pointed out that the issue of rationalisation of medical classification of all categories in Railways is under examination separately and the revised medical classification is suggestive. The revised designation for ‘Safaiwala’ in all departments has already been issued vide Board’s letter no. PC-III/2018/Standardization/2 dated 22-10-2018 (RBE No. 163/2018).
3. The above revision in designation & medical classification of Level-I/erstwhile Group ‘D’ categories will not entail change in the existing duties and responsibilities, appointment procedure, pay level, eligibility conditions prescribed, method of recruitment, seniority & avenue of promotion to the posts. Wherever seniority groups of merged designations are presently separate, Railways/Units may take a decision on merger (including in a phased manner) or otherwise of seniority after this revision of designations, based on local conditions and in consultation with their recognised unions.
4. If any categories in Level-1 have been left out in the list, Railways/Units may use the nearest appropriate revised designation to include the left-over category/categories, under intimation to Board’s office for record. Where any left-over category does not lend itself to be included in any of the available revised designations, full details may be intimated to Board’s office, alongwith the Raiway/Unit’s suggestions in the matter.
5. Receipt of this letter may please be acknowleged.
Encl: Annexure-‘A’
(M.K. Panda)
Joint Director, Pay Commission