RBE No.03/2023
Clarification / Corrigendum No. 121
Government of India (Bharat Sarkar)
Ministry of Railways (Rail Mantralaya) (Railway Board)
No. 2020/E(Sports)/4(1)/14/Gr.D New Delhi, 04.01.2023
The General Managers (P), All Zonal Railways & PUs.
Sub: Recruitment of spor†spersons on Zonal Railways/Production L/nits against Spor†s Quota in Pay Level- 1 (Erstwhile Group ’D’ in GP Rs. 1800/- as per 6 h CPC).
Ref: (i) Board‘s letters no. 2010/E(Sports)/4(1)/1 (Policy) dated 31.12.2010 (RBE No. 189/2010) and clarifications / Corrigendum issued †here†o.
(ii) Board‘s letters no.2015/E(Spor†s)/4(1)/1 1 dated 25.05.2016, 31.07.2017, 20.06.2018 & 18.06.2019.
Recruitment of sportspersons in †he erstwhile Group ’D’ quo†a allotted in Grade Pay Rs. 1800/- (as per 6th CPC) was frozen for the year 2016-17 vide this office’s letter no. 20f5/E(Sports)/4(1)/11 dated 25.05.2016 and the freeze was continued in subsequent years.
2. The matter has been reviewed and Ministry of Railways (Railway Board) have decided to restart the recruitment in Pay Level-1 (in GP Rs. 1800/- as per 6†h CPC) agains† the sports quota ber†hs allotted to Railways & Production Units (Erstwhile Group D Category) wi†h following revision in sports norms as contained in Board’s letter referred
(i) above and clarification /corrigendum issued thereto :
Para | Existing minimum sports norms for recruitment in Rs. GP 1800/- | Revised minimum spor†s norms for recruitment in Pay Level-1 |
4.1 (iv) | Represented the country in any of the category C Championships/events or | No change |
At least 3’ d position in federation cup championships (Senior category) or | No change | |
Represented a state of equivalent unit, except in Marathon and cross country in Senior/ Youth/ Junior National championships or | Represented a state or equivalent unit, except in Marathon and Cross Country with at least 8 h position in Senior National | |
championships only. | ||
At least 3’d position in Senior state Championships for all uni†s and districts of †he state. | Deleted. |
2.1 1 In Badminton, Table Tennis and Tennis : The revised sports norms for recruitment of sportspersons on the basis of their current Annual All India Rankings in Pay Level -1 (Grade Pay Rs. 1800/-) will be as under :
Para |
Existing minimum spor† norms for recrui†men† GP 1800 |
s in |
Modified minimum spor†s norrris for recrui†men† in Pay Level-1 | |
4.1 (c) |
Seniors |
Singles |
Up†o |
16†* position |
Up†o 30’* position |
Doubles |
Uy†o |
6 osi†ion |
No chanpe | ||
Youth |
Singles |
Upto |
8 h position |
Deleted | |
Juniors |
Singles |
Upto |
8† h position |
Deleted | |
Only †he current Annual All India Ranking shall be considered for these purposes. For the purpose of recrui†men† the highes† ranking may be considered valid for one year. Rani‹ing in Mixed doubles shall be considered only in Badminton & no† in Tennis 6 Table Tennis. |
- All other eligibility norms for recruitment in Pay Level-1 will be same as per existing eligibility norms for recruitment agains† sports quota in Grade Pay 1800/-.
- These insl auctions issue with †he approval of concurrence of †he Finance Directorate of †he Ministry of Railway