
No.AIRF/MACPS/2015                                                                           Dated: June 30, 2015

The Member Staff,

Railway Board,

New Delhi

Dear Sir,

Sub: ACPS entitlement to PHARMACISTS consequent upon implementation of FTC treating GP4200 (NFG) as not a promotion/ACPS upto 31.08.2008 and further MACPS w.e.f. 01.09.2008

Ref: (i) DoP&T’s letter No.35014/1/2014-Estt. D dated 10.06.2015 to Secretary(Staff Side) NC/JCM, and  (ii) DoP&T’s letter dated 09.9.2010 under S.No.3 “B’ and S.No.27(i) (ii) (iii) & (iv) of the reply of the DoP&T on FAQ reg. MACPS dated 01.04.2011

According to para 2 of the DoP&T’s letter referred to at S.No.(i), “the Pharmacists who have completed 12 years continuous service as on 01.09.2008 should be extended GP Rs.4600 as 2nd MACPS and GP Rs.4800 as 3rd MACPS  to all those who have completed 22 years continuous service as the GP Rs.4200 (NFG) granted is counted for the purpose of MACPS.

Vide para 3 of the said letter of the DoP&T(referred to at S.No.1), the NFG in GP Rs.4200 is not treated as financial upgradations under ACP Scheme up to 31.08.2008 to the Pharmacists. Hence, the hierarchy on implementation of Fast Track Committee of the 6th CPC is as follows, w.e.f. 01.01.2006, i.e.

GP Rs.2800(PB-I, Rs.5200-20200) – Entry Grade

GP Rs.4200(PB-II)(NFG) – On completion of 2 years service not to be treated as financial upgradation/ promotional hierarchy up to 31.08.2008 under ACPS rules in existance.

GP Rs.4600 is the 1st financial upgradation/1st promotion hierarchy/1st ACP on completion of 12 years service up to 31.08.2008.

GP Rs.4800 – 2nd financial upgradation/ACPS on completion of 24 years regular service up to 31.08.2008.

GP Rs.5400 – On completion of 30 years regular continuous service to Pharmacists who will be extended 2nd financial upgradation/ACPS in GP Rs.4800 prior to 01.09.2008.

Vide para 4 of above cited letter of the DoP&T(S.No.1), all the Pharmacists who have been extended placement in GP Rs.4200 as per 6th CPC Fast Track Committee recommendations should be extended the benefit of 3% increment.

The Board are, therefore, requested to issue necessary orders on the subject matter to all the Zonal Railways and Production Units at the earliest, following the instructions of the DoP&T.

An early action in the matter shall be highly appreciated.


Copy to: The EDE(IR), Railway Board, New Delhi – for necessary action please.

Copy to: The EDPC-I, Railway Board, New Delhi – for necessary action please.

Copy to: The EDE(N), Railway Board, New Delhi – for necessary action please.

Copy to: General Secretaries, all affiliated unions – for information.