No.AIRF/PNM/19/2009(96) Dated: July 2, 2015
The Member Staff,
Railway Board,
New Delhi
Dear Sir,
Sub: AIRF’s PNM Item No.19/2009 – Grant of Temporary Status to Casual Labour engaged during project stage in RCF, Kapurthala
Ref.: (i) Railway Board’s letter No.E(NG)I-86 PM 1-6 dated 26.08.1996 and No.E(NG)II/2009/CL/11/ PNM-AIRF dated 04.09.2014, and (ii) AIRF’s letter dated 10.09.2014
Above cited documents reveal that the declared date of commencement of production in Rail Coach Factory, Kapurthala is 19.09.1997, and first coach was turned out on 31.03.1988. Hence, to say that RCF, Kapurthala had started functioning as a Production Unit w.e.f. 01.04.1990 is malafide and misleading so as to deprive legitimate rights of the hard working workforce of RCF, Kapurthala, especially Casual Labours who sacrificed their youth putting day and night dedicated hard labour.
It is a matter of serious concern that, Railway Board vide their letter dated 26.08.1986 had issued policy in this regard, which clearly mentions in para 3 that, “the Board have further decided that these rules should be followed by RCF, Kapurthala also”, accepting the principle of “date of commencement of production” as a criteria for staff matters, including seniority etc.
Board’s letter dated 04.09.2014 appears to be “hide and seek”, which is highly objectionable and erodes the faith of the PNM values. No deep study as also no response to our letter dated 10.09.2014 from the Railway Board proves the same.
AIRF, therefore, once again urges the Railway Board that that necessary clarification, as explained above, may please be issued to RCF/KXH Administration that Casual Labours be granted Temporary Status under prescribed rules for Project Casual Labours till 18.09.1987, i.e. completion of 360 days, and on completion of 120 days’ regular service w.e.f. 19.09.1987, i.e. the date of commencement of production in RCF/KXH instead of 31.03.1990.
Hope, it will have your due attention.
An early action in the matter is solicited under advice to this office.