No.AIRF/Sub-Committee 171 Dated: July 21, 2015
The Member Staff,
Railway Board,
New Delhi
Dear Sir,
Sub: Committee for evolving a new formula for Productivity Linked Bonus(PLB) on Indian Railways
Ref.: Railway Board’s letter No.E(P&A)II-2013/PLB-8 dated 15.07.2015
The minutes of the meeting held between the Railway Board(MS) and the Federations on 11.06.2015, regarding formula for PLB for 2014-15, forwarded under Railway Board’s letter quoted above, have been studied. It is, however, pointed out that, to our utter surprise it has been mentioned in the concluding para that, both the federations do not have any objection to the proposed formula of the AMs’ Committee. In this connection, it may be recalled that, AIRF is of considered opinion that the formula of PLB that was initially signed between the Organized Labour and Ministry of Railways on 22.11.1979 is sacrosanct and no change is warranted therein. As such, AIRF has never been in agreement to change the said formula of payment of PLB.
AIRF, therefore, desires that, in the first sentence of last para of the minutes, forwarded under Board’s letter supra, needs to be deleted, and there should not be any change in PLB formula and downward change in the number of days for PLB.
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