In terms of Railway board’s instructions issued vide their letter No.PC-69/PP-1/I dated 05.05.1969 and No.E(P&A)II-76/PA/1 dated 22.06.1977(Annex-I & II), the Running Staff officiating in higher grades for less than 30 days may be paid officiating allowance enhanced by 15% of the kilometrage actually performed for every higher grade in which officiating above the posts in which they are working i.e. a Goods Guard/Driver put to officiate in Mail/Exp. Link be paid officiating allowance at 30%. These letters also contain instructions for payment of officiating allowance to fireman etc. at 30% instead of 15% when put to officiate in higher grade……
No.AIRF/55 Dated: May 27, 2016
The Secretary (E),
Railway Board,
New Delhi
Dear Sir,
Sub: Payment of Officiating Allowance to Running Staff in higher grade up to 30 days- Error in placing bracket in Rule 913(i)(a) of IREM-1
In terms of Railway board’s instructions issued vide their letter No.PC-69/PP-1/I dated 05.05.1969 and No.E(P&A)II-76/PA/1 dated 22.06.1977(Annex-I & II), the Running Staff officiating in higher grades for less than 30 days may be paid officiating allowance enhanced by 15% of the kilometrage actually performed for every higher grade in which officiating above the posts in which they are working i.e. a Goods Guard/Driver put to officiate in Mail/Exp. Link be paid officiating allowance at 30%. These letters also contain instructions for payment of officiating allowance to fireman etc. at 30% instead of 15% when put to officiate in higher grade.
The above noted instructions were also reiterated by the Running Allowance Committee, 1980 in its recommendations approved by the Board and both the federations. The recommendations after acceptance by both the Federations were made Rules and circulated vide Board’s letter No.E(P&A) 11-80/RS-10 dated 17.07.1981 (Annex. – III) and also incorporated in Chapter-IX of IREM –I (1985 Edition). The instructions of Board’s letter ibid dated 05.05.69 and 22.06.77 were consolidated by the RAC-1980 into one sentence in sub-para-3(11) by adding a Bracket as under:-
Sub-Para-3(11)(a) When running staff are put to officiate in a running post for 30 days or less, they will be paid pay admissible in the lower grade plus running allowance at the rates and on the condition applicable to the higher grade in which they officiate enhanced by 15% (except in the case of Fireman ‘C’ put to officiate as fireman ‘B’ and Engine Cleaners put to officiate as fireman ‘C’ for whom the enhancement will be by 30%) of the kilometrage actually performed for every such higher grade.
In the above instructions the Bracket commenced after the figure of 15% and closed after the figure of 30%, but in Rule 913 (i)(a) of IREM-1 (1985 Edition) there is printing error with the Bracket starting correctly before the figure of 15% but not closed. (Annex. – IV). Again in the 2009 edition of IREM-1 there is again printing error in Rule 913(i)(a) as the Bracket has commenced correctly before the figure of 15% but erroneously closed in the end of the rule after the word “higher grade” (Annex. -V).
The divisional Administration of Delhi Division is misinterpreting this Bracket with the argument that “for every such higher grade” does not apply to the Goods Guard/Driver who will be paid only 15% officiating allowance for officiating in passenger as well as Mail/Express Link. Wrong placement of Bracket in rule 913(i)(a) of IREM-1 (2009 edition) has created a confusing as well as an anomalous condition and also caused a controversial situation between the contents of Board’s letters ibid dated 05/05/69,22/06/77, 17/07/81 and Rule 913(i)(a) of IREM-1.
It is requested that the Railway Board may be requested to make modification in Rule 913 (i)(a) by placing the Bracket at a proper place as printed in Sub-rule3(11)(a) of RAC-1980 recommendations circulated under Board letter ibid dated 17.07.1981.