At the outset, while welcoming Railway Board Members, other distinguished officials of Railway Board and General Managers, Shri Shiva Gopal Mishra, General Secretary AIRF, said that, “Hon’ble MoSR has mentioned that, some collective efforts are being made to restrict technological upgradation for the Railways”.
Shri Mishra mentioned, “there should not be any confusion regarding the railwaymen, who have proved themselves as a prime mover in the field of technology, right from steam to diesel and diesel to electric. We have also adopted latest technology brought in the country, like ABB locomotives and LHB coaches, so there should not be any doubt on the railwaymen as well as federation. We have always accepted and supported the modernization as well as technological upgradation. PRSs, throughout the country is one of the glaring examples, accepted by the railwaymen”……..
At the outset, while welcoming Railway Board Members, other distinguished officials of Railway Board and General Managers, Shri Shiva Gopal Mishra, General Secretary AIRF, said that, “Hon’ble MoSR has mentioned that, some collective efforts are being made to restrict technological upgradation for the Railways”.
Shri Mishra mentioned, “there should not be any confusion regarding the railwaymen, who have proved themselves as a prime mover in the field of technology, right from steam to diesel and diesel to electric. We have also adopted latest technology brought in the country, like ABB locomotives and LHB coaches, so there should not be any doubt on the railwaymen as well as federation. We have always accepted and supported the modernization as well as technological upgradation. PRSs, throughout the country is one of the glaring examples, accepted by the railwaymen”.
Shri Mishra added, “Indian Railways is made for the common-man, but it is unfortunate that, there used to be always talk of 5% those who are travelling in 1st and 2nd AC Classes. We should bother for the remaining 95% travelling public who are travelling in General and Second Classes. Though Hon’ble Minister for Railways and MoSR, and even the Prime Minister have openly said that, there would not be any privatization in the Railways, even then there used to be some talks of privatization, which creates lot of mental agony in the mind of the railwaymen and creates stress amongst them. Railwaymen want peaceful working for running and operating trains, that used to be disturbed by such talks. Efforts should be made, so that, such talks of privatization should not flow in the air”.
Shri Mishra also raised the issue of huge amount of loan, to the tune of Rs.1.5 lakh crore, being taken from the LIC, and further efforts are continued to take much more loan from various lending agencies.
He questioned, “I am unable to understand, where this money will be invested and from which project, the rate of return will be approximately more than 14%, so that capital as well as interest, to be returned to lending parties. He further added that, a time may come when this over capitalization and borrowing may put the entire system into danger, therefore, there is a need to review the loan being taken from the lending agencies.
He said, “today it has been said that, we had not been able to meet the target and we are short of 32 MT freight, and there is approximately deficit of Rs.6,000 crore up till June 2016”. He further said, “for all this, our railwaymen or officers are not responsible. We are ready with full racks to operate 24 hours all the seven days in a week, but unfortunately, there is no lead to feed the Railways”.
He added, “we heard today that, some “Holding Companies” are on the way to encircle our Railway PSUs. If our PSUs are sold, that will be very bad day for the Indian Railways. We have also heard that, Container Corporation is on the verge to be handed over to some private entities. As General Secretary AIRF, I do not endorse it”.
He further added, “we have also heard that, some of our land, buildings and training institutes are going to be handed over to some private parties, that will also be a very bad day in the life of the Indian Railways. We fully support “Skill India” scheme of the government, but not on the cost of our land and buildings, to be handed over to private parties. We are capable to develop our own institutes to meet the needs of the railwaymen”.
He told, “we have also heard that, our Rail Budget will be merged into General Budget. I do not know, what will be the benefit out of it. On the other hand, we will lose our autonomy and the priority for the development of our system. The Indian Railways is the pivot for the development of the country, and for the money, we will depend on the Government of India. The budget was separated long back by Dr. Acworth Committee, and the issues taken into account at that time are quite relevant, even today”.
He further said, “at present also, the budget of the Indian Railways is a part of the Government of India, because it is used to be passed by the Parliament. It used to be a part of the consolidated funds of India, and for expenses, there is a need of approval from the Parliament or appropriate authority, as envisaged in the Transaction of Business Rules. Therefore, talking about merger of budgets will not be good for the development of the Indian Railways”.
Besides the above, Shri Mishra raised the following issues:-
Medical Services –
– Serving as well as RELHS pensioners are facing great hardship.
– Regular Doctors and Specialists as well as Paramedical Staff be recruited since Contractual System of engagement is not meeting the requirement.
– Due attention needs to be paid towards preventive health checkups and preventive medicines.
– Availability of Mobile Medical Van in each division all over the Indian Railways.
– Medical facilities to the staff and their families, residing at roadside stations and ganghuts.
– Ayurvedic medical facilities be streamlined all over the Indian Railways and procurement of Ayurvedic medicines be taken care of.
– Physiotherapy Unit in all the divisional hospitals with updated infrastructure be provided.
– Employees be allowed pathological tests from any of the reputed Pathological Labs., followed by reimbursement on CGHS rates.
– Smart Card Facility for providing cashless treatment to RELHS beneficiaries.
Sufficient funds for maintenance of railway colony be diverted for construction of new railway accommodation in replacement.
Lavatories be provided in all the Traffic/Engineering Gates by taking funds from the Prime Minister’s “Swachh Bharat Abhiyan”.
Flooding of outsourcing and trade purchasing be checked since Machinery and Plants worth crores of rupees are being eroded in the Workshops and Production Units, and sometimes workforce remains idle for want of raw material.
Shri Mishra thanked the Hon’ble MR for providing new uniforms, created by famous dress designer Ritu Beri, to railway employees. At the same time, at least cost of the uniforms and Stitching Charges be provided.
Creation of posts and availability of various manpower required be ensured before introducing new train and assets.
Recruitment process lagging. Filling-up of Safety Categories vacancies needs special attention.
Implementation of High Power Committee(D.P. Tripathi) Report.
Strict implementation of Labour Laws on Contract Workers working in Railways’ Production Units.
“Skill Railwaymen” scheme be launched for updating the knowledge of the entire workforce by strengthening and modernizing Training Institutes. Separate plan head be created in the budget for training.
Employees Welfare Schemes – Activities under CSBF be monitored; at least ½ yearly, by the General Managers.
As has been mentioned that, railway land and buildings be provided to private parties for opening of training institutes. This should not be done, instead, Railways should open its own institutes under the scheme of “Skill India”.
Shri Mishra said, “we have no objection on introduction of new technology, but maintenance and operation works should be kept with the Indian Railways.
Thanking Hon’ble MR for referring the issue of NPS to MoF, Shri Mishra said that, it should be pursued vigorously with the Government of India.
LARSGESS is of win-win. Many appointment cases are coming-up, which should be settled, if need be, at the apex level.
Regularization of Course Completed Act Apprentices in the Railways – Old scheme should be continued to the tune of 20%.
Quasi-administrative Staff should be absorbed in the Railways.
SPAD should be liberalized as per recommendations of D.P. Tripathi and Khanna Committee.
Merger of IRPMU with CSTE Project Unit of NCR, Allahabad
Shifting of COS Stores Office/RCF/KXH from Tilak Bridge(New Delhi) to Kapurthala.
7th CPC issues –
– Minimum Wage and Multiplying Factor
– Timely implementation of 7th CPC as also Pensioners’ Option 1 exercise.
– MACP Benchmark and 20 years service
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