WREU SBI Workshop Branch observed INTERNATIONAL DAY FOR ELIMINATION OF VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN with a meeting of women workers of SBI Engineering Workshop and Signal workshop. Almost all the women of both the units attended the meeting under leadership of Com. Bina Kori, Women convener. Participants expressed anguish over increased crime against women and expressed concern for reducing gender ratio. They resolved to fight against sexual harassment takes place anywhere. However, they thanked present government for its stringent efforts for women empowerment and gender ratio. Com. Dinesh Panchal, Branch Chairman also guided participants. The meeting was held at Sabha Gruh of EW SBI during lunch hours of 25/11/2016. All the necessary arrangements for meeting were made by Com. Rajiv Menon, Branch Secretary and his team. The meeting was concluded with raising slogans WREU ZINDABAD. NARI SHAKTI ZINDABAD.
Dinesh Panchal
Branch Chairman