Demonetization and Hardship to Common men

As you are aware, the Government decided, as a surprise, to withdraw the Rs. 1000 and Rs. 500 currency notes with effect from the mid night of 08/09th November, this year, when 92nd Annual convention of AIRF was in session at Allahabad. With the sudden announcement by the Hon’ble Prime Minister, in his address to the Nation on 8th November, all the currency notes of above two denominations became obsolete, whereby the shopkeepers and other traders started refusing to accept these currency notes for any purpose.

While the Government is claiming that, this sudden step has been taken to wipe out the fake currency and to dismantle the black money thereby checking the parallel economy in to the Country the actual results of the same are yet to be assessed.

It has, however been observed that the common man of this country including Railwaymen, particularly belonging to lower middle and lower income group have been put to acute hardship, as they are starving  for withdrawal  of their own money from the Banks/Post offices to meet their daily-routine expanses. They are compelled to stand in long queues for this purpose and still not getting adequate money.

Although, we are in support of this move if it succeeds in achieving it’s goal , but at the same time it is also true that the Government did not make adequate arrangement pre- hand while taking such a strange decision, because of which the common man has been subjected to uncalled for hardship on this accent.


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