Since deep sense of discontentment is brewing among the category of Health & Malaria Inspectors over the Indian Railways with the revised instructions of the Railway Board, issued under their letter dated 04.01.2007 supra, it is requested that, the matter may be looked into in the right perspective and necessary instructions issued to all the Zonal Railways to continue with the practice of administrative control of the Health & Malaria Inspectors under Medical Department instead of Commercial Department.
No.AIRF/101 Dated: March 17, 2017
The Director General(Personnel),
Railway Board,
New Delhi
Dear Sir,
Sub: Administrative control of Health & Malaria Inspectors by both Commercial and Medical Departments for sanitation works in stations
Ref.: Railway Board’s letter No.06/TG-IV/10/Sanitation Policy dated 04.01.2007
The issue of administrative control of Health & Malaria Inspectors, by both Commercial and Medical Departments, has been raised by our Northern Railway affiliate – Northern Railway Men’s Union with Northern Railway Administration and other recognized union of NFIR, viz. URMU as also in an agreement with the contention of our union to continue with the administrative control of Health & Malaria Inspectors under Medical Department, for both railway colonies and stations etc. This issue accordingly stands referred to Railway Board vide Northern Railway’s letter No.847-E/004/EIIBII(Loose) dated 07.11.2016(copy enclosed for ready reference), Board’s reply thereon is still awaited.
Since deep sense of discontentment is brewing among the category of Health & Malaria Inspectors over the Indian Railways with the revised instructions of the Railway Board, issued under their letter dated 04.01.2007 supra, it is requested that, the matter may be looked into in the right perspective and necessary instructions issued to all the Zonal Railways to continue with the practice of administrative control of the Health & Malaria Inspectors under Medical Department instead of Commercial Department.
An early action in the matter shall be highly appreciated.