RBE No. 48 / 2017
New Delhi,
dated: 16.05.2017.
All Zonal Rallways/PUs, etc
(As per mailing list) .
Subject: Recommendations of 6th Central Pay Commission – Encashment of Leave on Average Pay (LAP) while availing Privilege Pass / PTO – relaxation of Rule – reg,
Attention is Invited to Board’s letters of even number dated 29.10.2008 & 02.02.2011 on the above mentioned subject.
- The provisions of encashment of leave while availing Pass/PTO were. relaxed vide Board’s letter dated 15.12.2014 on receipt of representations from Railway employees who failed to avail of the benefit during the previous, block period despite availing Pass/PTO and leave during that block period.
- In terms of Rule 10 of the CCS(LTC) Rules, 1988, a Government servant who is unable to avail of the leave travel concession within a particular block of two years or four years may avail of the same within the first year of the next block of two years or four years. This means, a government servant, governed by CCS (LTC) Rules, 1988. can all encashment of leave twice – one while availing LTC for the current Block and another for the carry forwarded LTC of the preceding Block. Similar provision is not available in the Railway Services (Liberalized Leave) Rules, 1949 contained in IREC Vol. I / 1985 – Edition.
- Despite giving one time relaxation mentioned in pars 2 above, representations are all being received for relaxation of the provisions of the encashment of leave for the previous Block periods. .
- The Competent Authority after. examining the matter has decided that railway employees, who failed to avail of the benefit of encashment of leave in the preceding block period of two years, which. ended on 31.08.2016 and onwards, can avail of the same within the first year of the succeeding block period of two years by fulfilling all conditions stipulated in this regard.
(G. Priya Sudarsani)
Joint Director Finance(Estt.),
Railway Board.