Ministry of Railways (Rail Mantralaya)
(Railway Board)
PC-VII No. 43 RBE NO. 99/2017
File No. PC-VII/2016/IC/2 New Delhi, dated : 21.08.2017
The General Manager/CAOs(R)
All India Railways & Production Units,
(AS per mailing list)
Sub: – Revised methodology for fixing the pay of Running Staff category in 7th CPC scales.
Reference is invited to Railway Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 2016 notified vide G.S.R. No. 746 (E) dated 28.07.2016, forwarded with Railway Board Endorsement No. PCVIV2016/RSRP/l dated 28.07.2016 (RBE No. 90/2016) and Railway Board’s Letter dated PC-Vl[/2016/RSRP/2 dated 02.08.2016 (RBE No. 93/2016) detailing the methodology for fixation of pay in the revised pay structure in respect of existing Running Staff as on 01.01.2016.
2. It was observed that the pay fixed in 7th CPC pay structure as per the methodology laid down in Board’s letter dated 02.08.2016 is coming out to be less than 14.29% increase of pay prescribed by 7th CPC, in certain cases of Running Staff.
3. The matter was, therefore, examined in Board’s office in consultation with the Ministry of Finance and it has now been decided that for fixation of pay for Running Staff category, in cases where the actual rise in pay at the time of initial fixation works out to be less than 14.29%, the initial pay in such cases shall be fixed at the next higher cell of the relevant Level in the Pay Matrix. Illustrations in this regard are enclosed as Annexure
4. It may be noted that there is no other change in the fixation methodology as circulated vide Railway Board’s Letter No. PC-V11/2016/RSRP/2 dated 02.08.2016 (RBE No. 93/2016).
Hindi version will follow.
Deputy Director(Pay Commission)VII
Railway Board