RBE 38/2019
No.E(NG)I/2016/PM 1/14 New Delhi, dated March 1, 2019
The General Manager,
All Zonal Railways & PUs
(As per standard mailing list)
Sub: Eligibility criteria for appearing in selection to the post of OS, PB-II GP 4200, against 20% LDCE quota- PNM/ AIRF Item No.44/2016.
As the Railway administration are aware, consequent to introduction of 20% LDCE quota in the category of OS-II, instructions were issued vide Board’s letter No.E(NG)l/2005/PM/1/20 dated 17.06.2005 laying down, inter-alia the
eligibility conditions for appearing in the said LDCE.
AIRF vide their agenda item No.44/2016 requested for reduction in the eligibility condition of seven years service as Clerk-cum-Typist/Typist in GP Rs.1900 and Sr.Clerk/Sr.Typist in GP 2800/2400 put together, to three years in
the two grades put together, on the ground that adequate candidates are not available to fill up the posts of OS-II with the existing eligibility conditions.
The matter has been reviewed by the Board in consultation with the Zonal Railways.and it has been decided that the aforesaid eligibility condition may be replaced by the following for fllling up the 20% LDCE quota for OS-II:-
(i) 5 years regular service as Jr. Clerk/ Jr.T_ypist & Sr.Clerk/Sr.Typist put together, or
(ii) 5 years regular service as Jr. Clerk/Jr.Typist.
Railways may give feedback in due course as to whether the revision in eligibility conditions addresses the matter adequately. Please acknowledge receipt.
(P.M. Meena)
Dy. Director/Estt. (NG)
Railway Board
No.E(NG)I/2016/PM 1/14 New Delhi, dated March 1, 2019