R.B.E. No. 153/2019


No. E(NG)1·2019/TR/11                           New Delhi, dated 20 .09.2019
The General Managet(P)s.
All Zonal Railways and Production Units.
(As per Standard list).
Sub : Forwarding of one-way own request transfer application to other Divisions/Railways.

It has come to the notice of Board that a large number of inter-Railway/lnter Division one-way transfer requests are being forwarded by some of the Zonal Railways for NOCs without assess1ng the feasibility of relieving such staff on receipt of NOC. This causes unnecessary building up of expectations regarding their imminent sparing among such employees and puts avoidable pressure on the Railway administration.

2. Considering the above, Railways may ensure that henceforth only such Inter· Railway transfers requests be forwarded where there is reasonable possibility of relief in case of acceptance by the railway to which transfer is sought While doing so, various factors l1ke number of staff likely to be inducted in the cadre by way of departmental promotions/lnter-Inter-Railway Transfer from other Railway/Divisions  and through RRB indents should be kept in view so that once NOC is received. the concerned employee can be relieved early.
This issues with the approval of Board (MS).
Please acknowledge receipt.

Hindi version will follow.

Deputy Director Estt.(N)
Railway Board