AIRF is organizing a webinar on 4th August, 2020 at 15.00 hrs on post covid effect on Railways. This webinar will be presided over by our president Shri Rakhal Dass Gupta and the main speakers will be Shri Stephen cotton…..

AIRF/24/C/2020 23rd July 2020
All Office Bearers & Working Committee Members of AIRF
Dear comrades,
Sub- Webinar on post Covid effect on Railways- 4th August, 2020 at 15.00 hrs.
AIRF is organizing a webinar on 4th August, 2020 at 15.00 hrs on post covid effect on Railways. This webinar will be presided over by our president Shri Rakhal Dass Gupta and the main speakers will be Shri Stephen cotton, General Secretary, ITF, Mick Cash, General Secretary RMT/U.K., Mr. Devid Gobey, Chairman Railway Section ITF. Apart from above Shri V.K. Yadav, Chairman, Railway Board and Shri Anand S. Khati, DG/HR, Railway Board will represent from Railway Ministry.
All of you had work hard so the railwaymen throughout this corona period and have run Goods & Parcel trains across the country and have maintained the supply of foods, grains, milk, salt and all essential commodities throughout the country as well as you have successfully transported more than Seven million migrant labour from all the metro and big cities to their native villages. The railwaymen worked round the clock and did not care for epidemic, resulting we have lost 350 railwaymen during this period.
Though we have been able to resolve many problems referred by our affiliates during this period even then some of them are still been unresolved and we are pursuing them at various level.
We are shocked and astonished that on one hand the Hon’ble Prime Minister of India and Minister of Railways mentions Railwaymen as corona warriors and on the other lots’s of retrograde recommendations are being made for surrender of posts, reduction of staff, reviewing of recruitment, indents, stopping ALK,OT,TA and other allowances etc. The most surprising is freezing of DA and DR also deduction of 2% share of Government share from NPS.
Recently Railway Ministry has issued RFQ of 109 routes and have offered 150 trains to private operators without any discussion with us as was promised by Railway Board earlier during negotiations. These all are effect of post covid-19 effects on railways. To discuss this and sharing with International, National as well as Administrative experiences, we have organized this webinar.
All of you are requested to join it with all seriousness and firm up your cadre for “Save Railways-Save Nation”
Thanking you,
