We are thankful to Railway Board for issuing instructions in the matter of treatment of absence during COVID-19 epidemic lockdown.Many of the employees have had to remain away from their work, subsequent to the lockdown, whose absence is pending regularization. Many of the employees were forced to remain under quarantine due to various situations, which can be classified broadly as follows:-

No.AIRF/561 Dated: October 12, 2020
The D.G.(H.R.),
Railway Board,
New Delhi
Dear Sir,
Sub: Regularization of absence during COVID-19 epidemic lockdown period
Ref.: Railway Board’s letters No.(EG) 2020/LE 2/1 dated 06.08.2020 and 03.09.2020
We are thankful to Railway Board for issuing instructions in the matter of treatment of absence during COVID-19 epidemic lockdown.
Many of the employees have had to remain away from their work, subsequent to the lockdown, whose absence is pending regularization. Many of the employees were forced to remain under quarantine due to various situations, which can be classified broadly as follows:-
(i) An employee was asked to remain in quarantine on return from outstation duty.
(ii) An employee remained in quarantine due to Central/State Government instructions.
(iii) An employee was advised by Railway Medical Authority to remain in quarantine.
(iv) An employee who chose to remain in quarantine as a precaution.
(v) An employee who worked from home due to co-morbidity or underlying medical conditions as per Central/State Government instructions.
(vi) An employee stayed at home as a precautionary measure and later found to be COVID-19 positive.
It is, therefore, requested that, necessary instructions for treating absence of an employee during aforementioned situations, as “Special Casual Leave”, may kindly be issued at the earliest. Orders issued for maximum 30 days “Special Casual Leave” should also be cancelled as these being granted in special circumstances of COVID-19 epidemic where lockdown had been for more than four months and all sorts of transport had not been under operation.

√Copy to: General Secretaries, All Affiliated Unions – for information.