No.AIRF/561 Dated: March 27, 2021
The D.G.(R.H.S.),
Railway Board,
New Delhi
Dear Sir,
Sub: Clarification on regularization of absence during COVID-19 pandemic lockdown period – Reg.
Ref.: Ministry of Pers.,PG&P,DoP&T(Govt. of India)’s O.M. No.13020/1/2019-Estt(L) dated 01.03.2021
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions, Department of Personnel & Training(Government of India) vide their Office Memorandum referred to above, has issued further clarification on the issue of regularization of absence during COVID-19 pandemic lockdown period in case of Central Government Employees of different Ministries/Departments.
It has been stipulated in para 3 of the said Office Memorandum that, “it is further clarified that this Department’s OM dated 28.07.2020 has been issued in view of the circumstances that the country is going through due to COVID-19 situations and the unavoidable problems faced by the Government employees in different sectors under the Government of India. A general terminology has been adopted to cover all kinds of problems faced by the employees due to COVID-19 situation. The said OM may not touch all specific circumstantial problems faced by all employees under the Government of India; however, an interpretation of such circumstances in congruence with the clarification made in the above OM is adoptable”. Meaning thereby that, different Ministries/Departments can take decision on case to case basis, considering specific circumstances of the case, in congrugence with the clarification issued vide DoP&T’s O.M. dated 28.07.2020.
AIRF, therefore, urges that, suitable instructions in regard to the above be issued to all the Railway Administrations, in the light of the aforementioned Office Memorandum dated 01.03.2021, so that, cases of regularization of absence during COVID-19 pandemic lockdown period of Railway Employees, which have not been decided properly as yet, could be dealt with accordingly and judicialy, so as to mitigate the hardships being faced by the employees concerned on this account.

General Secretary
√Copy to: P.E.D.(I.R.), Railway Board – for necessary action please.
√Copy to: General Secretaries, All Affiliated Zonal Unions – for information.