No.AIRF/MACPS Dated: September 18, 2021
The A.M.(H.R.),
Railway Board,
New Delhi
Dear Madam,
Sub: Counting of 50% of service, rendered by Casual Labour, for reckoning 10,20 and 30 years service under MACPS
Railway Board vide their letter No.PC-V/2009/ACP/2 dated 04.12.2009(RBE No.215/2009) had communicated decision that, 50% of Temporary Status Casual Labour Service on absorption in regular employment may be taken into account towards minimum service of 10,20 and 30 years for grant of benefit under MACP Scheme.
Now, Railway Board vide their letter No.PC-V/MACPS/1 dated 30.04.2021(RBE No.33/2021), have circulated DoP&T’s O.M. No.22034/4/2020-Estt.(D) dated 05.04.2021, wherein decision under Item No.6 is contrary to the instructions given by the Railway Board under RBE No.215/2009 dated 04.12.2009, which adversely affects those staff who were engaged as Casual Labour. The benefit, as per RBE No.215/2009 to the employees concerned, was extended and financial upgradation granted under MACP Scheme. Most of the employees, after taking this benefit, have already been retired, and now very few of the staff remained in service.
On account of the unwarranted clarification, Accounts Department is taking action for recovery.
Since the benefit was given as per Railway Board’s decision, contained in RBE No.215/2009 dated 04.12.2009, and that too with the concurrence of Finance Directorate, Ministry of Railways, question of recovery should not arise.
Board are, therefore, requested to review the instructions given under Item No.6 of RBE No.33/2021 dated 30.04.2021, in the light of their earlier instructions contained in RBE No.215/2009 dated 04.12.2009, and communicate necessary clarification to all the Zonal Railways and Production Units.

√Copy to: PED(IR), Railway Board – For necessary action please.
√Copy to: GSs, All Affiliated Unions – For information.