No.AIRF/PNM/35/2018(107) Dated: May 5, 2023
The Chairman & CEO,
Railway Board,
New Delhi
Dear Sir,
Sub: Closure of the Railway Printing Presses – Review of decision
Ref.: (i) AIRF’s PNM Item No.35/2018
(ii) Railway Board’s letters No.2017/RS/Ptg.&Sty./AP/PP/IR dated 27.01.2022 and 03.05.2023
(iii) AIRF’s earlier letter of even number dated March 25, 2023
We have written to your goodself as well as Hon’ble Minister for Railways on the above issued and requested for a meeting on this important issue.
Moreover, this issue has been discussed many a times with the Railway Board at various levels, right from the Member(Traction & Rolling Stock) to your goodself as well as Hon’ble Minister for Railways to resolve the issue amicably.
Railway Board’s letter supra dated 3rd May, 2023 is a setback to peaceful industrial relations prevailing over the Indian Railways, and regrettably, before final discussion with the Railway Board; the aforesaid letter has been issued for closure of the Railway Printing Presses.
Unfortunately, the issue of redeployment of the staff or their retaining has never been discussed with the Organized Labour, which is a deviation from the prevalent practice regarding closure of the Railway Establishments has been followed in this case.
In view of the foregoing, it is requested that Railway Board’s letter ibid dated 3rd May, 2023 should be withdrawn or kept in abeyance and a Joint Meeting should be convened immediately to resolve various issues arisen due to closure of the Railway Printing Presses.

√Copy to: Member(Traction & Rolling Stock), Railway Board – For necessary action please.
√Copy to: D.G.(H.R.), Railway Board – For necessary action please.
√Copy to: A.M.(R.S.), Railway Board – For necessary action please.
√Copy to: P.E.D.(I.R.), Railway Board – For necessary action please.
√Copy to: GSs, All Affiliated Unions – For information.
√Copy to: AIRF/174