No.AlRF/24(C) Dated: September 27 ,2023
The General Secretaries,
All Affiliated Unions,
Dear Comrades,
Sub: Brief of the meeting held todav with the CEO & Chairman. Railway Board, on the long pending important issues related to Railwaymen
Met with the CEO and Chairman, Railway Board, today and discussed the undernoted significant issues of the Railwaymen,
- Promotion of the staff working in Level.l(GP 1800) to Level’2(GP 1900).
- Upgradation of leftover Supervisory Staff in Level-8(GP 4800) and 9(GP5400).
- Absorption of Course Completed Railway Act Apprentices/Engagement of CCMs against CEN No.RRG N0.01/2019.
4, Closure of Railway Printing Presses – Review of decision ‘ Reg. - Arbitrary surrender of posts – Ref.: Railway Board’s letter No.E(MPP) 20221113rd1 dated 21.07.2023.
- Recruitment of the Sportspersons in lndian Railways in Pay Level’I.
- Advancement prospects for Pointsmen Category.
The Chairman & CEO assured to consider these issues in right perspective and speedy action thereon,
This is for your information.
Comradely yours,
(Shiva Gopal Mishra)
General Secretary