Minutes of the PNM meeting held between Railway Board and AIRF on 20-21 May, 2015
7/2011: Qualifying Service for eligibility of RELHS-97.
22/2011: Retired Employees Liberalized Health Scheme RELHS.
04/2014: Relaxation in Qualifying Service of 20 years for RELHS.
Official side indicated that final approval for extending RELHS benefits to Railway employees who joined late but retired at the normal superannuation age is expected shortly.
Federation requested for expediting the matter.
19/2012: Formation of Food Safety and Standard Act, 2006, Organize Railways.
55/2012: Sanction of adequate manpower for Central Hospital, West Central Railway, Jabalpur.
Federation desired to discuss this item separately.
18/2013: Holding of Pre-Medical Examination – Staff kept on Sick List for years – Abnormal delay in setting-up of Medical Board–Belated declaration of medically invalidation – Compassionate ground appointment denied to the wards.
Federation pointed that serious hardship is caused to Railway employees who remain sick for prolonged periods and there is undue delay in constitution of Medical Board and finally declaring them unfit. It was decided that such cases will be henceforth included in MCDO and will be reviewed at Board’s level on monthly basis.
08/2014: Merger of Northern and West Central Railway Health Units in Tughlakabad.
Item withdrawn. Accordingly, Federation demanded withdrawal of Board’s letter dated 29.4.2015, which was agreed to. With the issue of the letter, the items will be treated as closed.
14/2014: AVC for the categories where there is no avenue of promotion of Group ‘B’ staff etc.
Matter was referred to all CMDs/ CMOs for their views. Reply has been received from ten Zonal Railways which will be given to Estt(NG) Dte for taking further action. AIRF requested that decision should be taken expeditiously without waiting for reply from rest of the zones.
23/2014: Decentralization of the powers to tie-up with Referral Hospitals
25/2015: Empanelment of private hospitals on CGHS rates.
Federation stated that, where the rates of Referral Hospitals are at par with CGHS rate, Zonal Railways/ Production Units should be empowered to sanction them without referring to Railway Board.
Proposals for referral Hospitals from the Zonal Railways need to be promptly attended to.
Official side indicated that empanelment of Private Hospitals at CGHS rates is at an advance stage of consideration.
27/2014: Reimbursement of expenses towards purchase of Medtronic Insulin Pump in case of diabetic patients.
Federation strongly urged for giving reimbursement towards Insulin Pump to the particular case on Northern Railway. Official side agreed that in the specific case, reimbursement, as a special case, would be considered. The policy issue in this regard would be examined separately.
11/2015: Hardship being faced by serving/retired railway employees and their family members in getting treatment out of station Official side stated that Railway Medical facilities are available to all the serving/retired railway employees and their eligible dependents. Emergency railway medical facilities can be availed by them on production of their railway identity or any other documentary proof in the Hospitals/ Health Units all over India. However, the existing instructions would be reiterated. With reiteration of orders, the item will be treated as closed.
12/2015: Cancer disease be covered in the definition of “Emergency Criteria” The matter is under examination.
15/2015: Creation of posts of various categories of paramedical staff in Medical Department on the basis of yardsticks issued by the Railway Board Official side stated that the yardsticks issued on 11.3.2013 were only guidelines and without Finance concurrence. It is being revised to include all left out categories and then will be sent to for Finance concurrence, before being issued to all Zonal Railways/Production Units.
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