Record Note of discussions held by the Board (CRB, MS & FC) with the Federations
No. II//95/Part VII
The Chairman,
Railway Board,
New Delhi
Dear Sir,
Dated: 14/01/2016
Sub: Record Note of discussions held by the Board (CRB, MS & FC) with the Federations (NFIR & AIRF) on 01/10/2015 on issues raised by the Federations reg.
Ref: Railway Board’s letter No. 2015/E(LR)II/1/8 dated 27110/2015 and 30/11/2015.
Kind attention is invited to the Record Note of discussions held on eight items on 01/10/2015 under your Chairmanship.
While one item has been settled and orders issued by the Railway Board, the remaining issues are continued unresolved. In this context Federations bring to you kind notice that the ‘ National Joint Council of Action (NJCA) has submitted 26-Point Charter of Demands to the Cabinet Secretary, Government of India, New Delhi on 11/12/2015 with special request that the demands should be got resolved through negotiated settlement by first week of February 2016. It was also conveyed that Central Government Employees (Railways & others) will be compelled
to serve Strike Notice to go on Indefinite Strike from 1st week of March 2016 in the event of no negotiated settlement on the Charter of Demands.
The Railway issues although agreed upon have not been finalized which is causing grave concern and disappointment among employees. The retrograde recommendations of 7th CPC have generated anger among all categories of Railway employees.
We therefore, request you to kindly see that the Railway Ministry takes initiative to settle all issues through negotiations at the earliest. While thanking the Railway Ministry for Hon’ble MR’s communication to the Union Finance Minister seeking approval for exempting Railway employees from NPS, we specially request the Railway Ministry to expedite the case for obtaining approval of the Government of India.