The General Secretaries,
All Affiliated Unions,
Dear Comrades,
Dated: July 11, 2024
Sub: Brief of the discussion held with the Secret Ballot Election Committee{SBEC) on10.07.2024
Upon inviting by the Secret Ballot Election Committee, vide letters No.2024/SBECIII/Policy/2-9 dated 4th and 5th July, 2022, for discussion with the Recognized Federation, along with Com. S.K. Tyagi, AGS/AIRF, met with the said committee on 10th July, 2024 and handed them over a copy of our letter dated 15th January, 2024, containing AIRF’s suggestions for deciding modalities for conducting Secret Ballot Elections in the Railways.” What I have noticed from the discussion is that the SBEC is going to conduct Secret Ballot Elections positively before the end of September, 2024. They are also willing to issue Notification in this regard after 15th August, 2024.
In this meeting many issues have been raised as per our letter wherein we had given our suggestions as well as issues related to outstanding dues.
We explained the committee that our affiliates have already deposited the necessary amount and taken No Dues Certificates from their respective Railway Administrations, but still there are some disputes, and if these are resolved, we will immediately pay the said amount.
In view of the above, all of you are advised to remain prepared all the times coming in future to face the Secret Ballot Elections in the Railways.
With Fraternal Greetings,