Railwaymen E-magazine AIRF February 2016 Issue
Dear Comrades,
Due to indifferent attitude of The Central Government and non-communication, The NJCA in its meeting held on 8th February, 2016 had taken decision for proceeding on Indefinite Strike from 6:00 am of 11th April 2016. Before going to strike, massive campaigns for strike ballot.
We salute railwaymen for their over-whelming support in strike ballot all over the Indian Railways.
The NJCA has also given clarion call for holding massive rallies in front of their employers and handing them over notice for withdrawal of labour on 11th March, 2016 to press for their Charter of Demands.
After the 1974 strike, this is first time, we are heading towards a massive confrontation, where not only Railway, Defence Civilian Employees, Postal Employees as well as all the employees working in the Central Government, will proceed on strike to press for their genuine demands.
The decision for strike had been taken under pressed circumstances, because Central Government has made Joint Consultative Machinery quite defunct. Many efforts made by the staff-side had been proved futile due to indifferent attitude of the government.
The Central Government employees, including Railways, who had been a disciplined lot were pressed to take such an action. Still, if the government will not resolve the problems, definitely an unprecedented strike will take place.
The preparations for strike will prove how much energy has been pooled. Synergy among different organizations will also be a million dollar question. In spite of all odds we are sure that, Youth this time will prove their mettle and strike will be a great success.
Let’s go ahead and face the challenges!