This refers to our earlier letter of even number dated 30th January, 2017 on the above subject, wherein federation had explained that “Very Good Benchmark” for granting financial upgradation under MACPS is not practicable in the Indian Railways. It was also mentioned therein that, since Railway employees are working hard day-in-and-day- night for keeping the wheels of the Indian Railways moving round-the-clock in all seasons and extreme weather conditions; their productivity cannot be undermined and merely this may be treated as their very good performance.
It may also be appreciated that, in the Indian Railways Very Good entry in the ACR……
No.AIRF/MACPS Dated: March 17, 2017
The Chairman,
Railway Board,
New Delhi
Dear Sir,
Sub: Revised benchmarking for financial upgradation under MACPS consequent upon implementation of VII CPC recommendations
Ref.: Railway Board’s letter No.PC-V/2016/MACPS/1 dated 19.12.1016(RBE No.155/2016)
This refers to our earlier letter of even number dated 30th January, 2017 on the above subject, wherein federation had explained that “Very Good Benchmark” for granting financial upgradation under MACPS is not practicable in the Indian Railways. It was also mentioned therein that, since Railway employees are working hard day-in-and-day- night for keeping the wheels of the Indian Railways moving round-the-clock in all seasons and extreme weather conditions; their productivity cannot be undermined and merely this may be treated as their very good performance.
It may also be appreciated that, in the Indian Railways Very Good entry in the ACR is rarely done by the supervisors or the officers in majority cases, as such higher benchmarking of “Very Good” for financial upgradation under MACPS would definitely deprive a big lot of employees from this bonafide benefit.
It may also be noted that, on the previous occasions also, on implementation of VI CPC recommendations, Railway Board had modified the benchmarking for regular promotion as well as MACPS considering the peculiar working conditions of the railwaymen.
It is, therefore, requested that, the issue may be looked into in the light of the foregoing and necessary instructions issued to all the Zonal Railway and Production Units to continue with the existing benchmarking, prior to implementation of VII CPC recommendations, so that, no railway employee is deprived of financial upgradation under MACPS.
An early action in the matter shall be highly appreciated.