It is a matter of deep regret that, Railway Board, while circulating their above cited letter to Rail Wheel Factory, Yelahanka, Administration, has mentioned the name of another federation(NFIR) in place of AIRF on AIRF’s PNM Item No.30/2014….


No.AIRF/PNM/30/2014 Dated: March 18, 2017
The Executive Director(IR),
Railway Board,
New Delhi
Dear Sir,
Sub: Casual attitude of the Railway Board in mentioning PNM item of AIRF
Ref.: Director, Mechanical Engineer(PU), Railway Board’s letter No.2009/M(PU)/1/40 dated 14.03.2017 addressed to GM/RWF/Yelahanka/ Bangalore
It is a matter of deep regret that, Railway Board, while circulating their above cited letter to Rail Wheel Factory, Yelahanka, Administration, has mentioned the name of another federation(NFIR) in place of AIRF on AIRF’s PNM Item No.30/2014.
AIRF strongly protests against this flawed action of the Railway Board and demands early issuance of a Corrigendum in this regard, duly mentioning AIRF’s PNM Item No.30/2014, to Rail Wheel Factory, Yelahanka, Administration.
An early action in the matter is solicited.


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