Attention is drawn towards AIRF’s PNM Item referred to above and consequent discussions held on the
issue with the Railway Board and also with the Hon’ble Minister for Railways from time to time, wherein it was
submitted by the federation that the LARSGESS, being very successful on the Indian Railways, needs to be reviewed
for enlarging its scope. Due to some court decisions from various corners of the country, it was reviewed by the
Railway Board and vide Railway Board’s orders dated 27.10.2017, the scheme was pended till final outcome of the
SLP filed in the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India…..
No.AIRF/415 Dated: January 09, 2018
The Chairman,
Railway Board,
New Delhi
Dear Sir,
Reg.: Continuance of the LARSGESS
Ref.: (i) AIRF’s PNM Item No.30/2008
(ii) Railway Board’s letter No.E(P&A)i-2015/rt-43 dated 27.10.2017
(iii)Orders passed by Hon’ble Supreme Court of India in the SLP(C) Diary No.37460/2017 dated
Your kind attention is drawn towards AIRF’s PNM Item referred to above and consequent discussions held on the
issue with the Railway Board and also with the Hon’ble Minister for Railways from time to time, wherein it was
submitted by the federation that the LARSGESS, being very successful on the Indian Railways, needs to be reviewed
for enlarging its scope. Due to some court decisions from various corners of the country, it was reviewed by the
Railway Board and vide Railway Board’s orders dated 27.10.2017, the scheme was pended till final outcome of the
SLP filed in the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India.
Now, pursuant to the orders dated 08.01.2018 by the Hon’ble Supreme Court in SLP(C) No.37460/2017 that the
Ministry of Railways should revisit the scheme and take conscious decision within a period of six weeks. It will be in
all appropriateness that, the LARSGESS be revisited and other Safety Categories be also covered in the scheme for
bringing new blood into the Railways for better productivity and Railway Safety.
It shall also be pertinent to request that, pending review of the LARSGESS as per orders of Hon’ble Supreme Court
of India in the subject case, Railway Board may immediately withdraw its orders dated 27.10.2017 referred to above.