As you are aware that, this issue was forcefully taken-up during the course of discussions held in the Special DC/JCM Meeting, held on 16th January, 2020, whereupon Hon’ble Minister for Railways communicated as under…………..
No.AIRF/174 Dated: February 13, 2020
The General Secretaries,
All Affiliated Unions,
Dear Comrades,
Sub: Closure of the Railway Printing Presses
As you are aware that, this issue was forcefully taken-up during the course of discussions held in the Special DC/JCM Meeting, held on 16th January, 2020, whereupon Hon’ble Minister for Railways communicated as under:-
“The issue of Printing Press will be internally assessed and thereafter further discussed with both the Federations before a decision is taken”.
This is for your information.