As we know, around 167 years ago, with a zeal of ‘never to stop’, the wheels of the first Passenger Train, from Mumbai to Thane, started. With a modest beginning in India from April 1853, the Indian Railways has emerged today as the main vehicle of socio-economic development of the country.

No.AIRF/520 Dated: April 21, 2020
Shri Narendra Modi Ji,
Hon’ble Prime Minister of India,
South Block,
New Delhi
Respected Sir,
Sub: Railwaymen working 24X7 during countrywide lockdown – Restoration of Old Pension Scheme – Reg.
As we know, around 167 years ago, with a zeal of ‘never to stop’, the wheels of the first Passenger Train, from Mumbai to Thane, started. With a modest beginning in India from April 1853, the Indian Railways has emerged today as the main vehicle of socio-economic development of the country.
The Indian Railways is a big contributor to the GDP of the country, and the revenues have increased at a CAGR of 5.48% during FY07-FY19 to US$ 27.13 billion in FY19 and earning from passenger business grew at CAGR of 5.48% during FY07-FY19 to reach US$7.30 billion in 2018-2019. The freight revenue has risen at a CAGR of 5.84 during FY07-19 to reach US$ 18.30 billion in 2018-2019. India is one of the top 20 exporters globally, and Indian Railway’s exports have grown at a CAGR of 27.05% during 2010-2017 to US$ 303.29 million. Foreign Direct Investment inflows in to Railways related components from 2000 to 2019 stood at US $ 926.28 million.
Indian Railway network is growing at a healthy rate, and in the next few years it will account for 10% of the Global Market and projected freight target will increase to 140 million tones, and thus contribute to the Prime Minister’s [your goodself’s] ambition of Five Trillion Economy.
Nowadays, our country is facing an unprecedented for crisis due to “COVID-19 Pandemic”. Indian Railways is continuing its responsibilities as ever. Consequent upon the lockdown, announced by your goodself, train services were cancelled, whereupon more than 2,05,000 queries were answered to the public regarding Refund Rules, by the Railwaymen.
The Indian Railways has also undertaken production of PPEs, Sanitizers, Ventilators and other useful medical equipments and accessories for the use of Doctors and Paramedical Staff, not only for the Indian Railways, but also to other medical professionals. Our Railway Production Units are continuously manufacturing these items asper demands placed on them.
Indian Railways has been running substantial number of freight trains to transport the essential commodities to all parts of the country. From 1st April to 12th April, 2020 Railways moved 36724 wagons of foodgrains and running 171 time tabled trains on 63 routes in India.
Special Parcel Trains are being run to transport Medicine, Medical equipments, perishables and other essential commodities.
In a record time, the Railway Staff have converted 5000 coaches into Mobile Quarantine/ Isolation Wards, in our workshops. Railways continue to maintain the rolling stock in all major depots, maintenance of tracks, traction etc., and our Hospitals and Health Units are working round-the-clock. The Railways have risen up to the expectations of the government and the public during the pandemic, and thousands of Railwaymen have been working round-the-clock under the threat of their lives.
As a responsible organization we know the severity of the pandemic and it’s after effects, especially on the economy of this country.
Your goodself may kindly appreciate that, the Railwaymen are rendering yeomen’s services to the Nation in this war like situation, facing the threat to their lives to keep the chain of regular supply of essential commodities uninterrupted. Railwaymen, therefore, are the next war like workers after the Armed Forces and have proved their worth in every emergent situation in the country in the post-Independence era, whenever required to undertake the responsibility.
We are also grateful that, your gooself has as well applauded and appreciated their services during this crisis.
Keeping these facts in view, your goodself may kindly consider the recommendation, already made by Hon’ble Minister for Railways, to bring the entire Railwaymen under the purview of “Guaranteed Pension/Family Pension Scheme” in place of National Pension System [NPS] in sympathetic kind consideration of the aforementioned facts.
With Kind RCegards,

Copy to: Hon’ble Finance Minister, Ministry of Finance[Govt. of India]– For necessary action please.
Copy to: Hon’ble Minister for Railways, Ministry of Railways – For necessary action please.
Copy to: Chairman, Railway Board – For necessary action please.
Copy to: Member Staff, Railway Board – For necessary action please.
Copy to: E.D.[I.R.], Railway Board – For necessary action please.
Copy to: General Secretaries, all affiliated unions – For information.