Sub: Extension of the terms of the Contract Medical Practitioners(CMPs) in the Indian Railways.
Ref.: Railway Board’s letters No.2014/E(GR)II/1/1 dated 13.06.2017 and 2018/Trans.Cell/

No.AIRF/101(122)(144) Dated: April 20, 2020
The Chairman,
Railway Board,
New Delhi
Dear Sir,
Sub: Extension of the terms of the Contract Medical Practitioners(CMPs) in the Indian Railways.
Ref.: Railway Board’s letters No.2014/E(GR)II/1/1 dated 13.06.2017 and 2018/Trans.Cell/
Health/Medical Issues dated 24.08.2018
Reference is invited to AIRF’s letters of even number dated 19th September, 2018 and 19th February, 2019, whereby AIRF had requested to extend the terms of the Contract Medical Practitioners(CMPs), in the Indian Railways, beyond the existing maximum 12 terms.
As already explained therein, CMPs are engaged against regular vacancies of the Doctors in the Indian Railways to cater to the need of the Health Services to Railway beneficiaries as a stopgap arrangement for a maximum period of one-year or posting of regular doctors against the regular vacancies on which CMPs are engaged, whichever is earlier.
Railway Board vide their letter No.2013/E(GR)II/1/5 dated 28.09.2018 had extended the maximum age of engagement of the Contract Medical Practitioners(CMPs), from 60 to 65 years, but the terms of engagement were extended up to maximum 12 terms.
It may be appreciated that, there already exist certain stringent conditions in the terms of engagement of the CMPs, which are sufficient safeguard against any litigation, in case CMPs demand regularisation in the Indian Railways as Regular Railway Doctors without passing the selection through the UPSC. It may further be noted that, the CMPs who have worked for a number of terms definitely gain good experience of Railway working and acquire meaningful knowledge of treating Railway beneficiaries and to undertake other allied works of the Railway Doctors.
In the present scenario of spread of “COVID-19 Pandemic” in India, there is urgent need of having maximum number of Medical Practitioners along with other Health Workers to tide over the crisis.
It is also noticed that, in a number of Railway Hospitals, Medical Services are being managed by the CMPs owing to non-posting of Regular Railway Doctors against the existing vacancies.
In the wake of the above explained situation, it would be quite appropriate that, maximum limit of 12 terms for engagement of the CMPs in the Indian Railways should be dispensed with, and they may be allowed to be re-engaged till they desire to serve the Indian Railways, fulfilling other Terms and Conditions, so that, there is no crisis caused due to discontinuation of those CMPs who are on the verge of completion of maximum 12 terms.
It is hoped that, the above situation shall be considered appropriately and in the right perspective, and the condition of maximum 12 terms in engagement of the CMPs in the Indian Railways shall be dispensed with.
An early action in the matter shall be highly appreciated.

Copy to: Member(Staff), Railway Board – for necessary action please.
Copy to: Director General(RHS), Railway Board – for necessary action please.
Copy to: General Secretaries, all affiliated unions – for information.