No.AIRF/82 Dated: January 27, 2021
The Chairman-Cum-CEO,
Railway Board,
New Delhi
Dear Sir,
Sub: Extension of deadline for issuance of Manual Pass to Railway Employees
Ref.: Railway Board’s letter No.PC-VII/2020/HRMS/6 dated 22.01.2021
Kindly call for AIRF’s communication bearing even number dated January 20, 2021, wherein a number of problems and discrepancies in issuances of Railway Passes/PTOs through e-office have already been forwarded to Railway Board.
Railway Board vide their letter supra dated 22.01.2021 have though extended the deadline for issuance of Manual Passes/PTOs up to 28.02.2021, however, it is firm opinion of this Federation(AIRF) that, this time limit is not sufficient to address the problems and discrepancies, already pointed out in Federation(AIRF)’s earlier letter dated 20.01.2021.
AIRF, therefore, desires that, issuance of Manual Passes/PTOs to Railway Employees should be continued simultaneously until the issues pointed in our letter dated 20.01.2021 are amicably resolved, so that, Serving and Retired Railway Employees are not subjected to undue hardship on this account.

An early action in the matter shall be highly appreciated.
Copy to: D.G.(H.R.), Railway Board – for necessary action please.
Copy to: P.E.D(I.R.), Railway Board – for necessary action please.
Copy to: GSs, All Affiliated Unions – for information.