No.DC/JCM/04/2012 Dated: February 17, 2022
The Chairman & CEO,
Railway Board,
New Delhi
Dear Sir,
Sub: DC/JCM Item No.04/2012 – Line Boxes for Loco Pilot and Guard
Ref.: Record Note of Discussions of the meeting held on 15.09.2021 between AM(Traction) and
AM(TT), Railway Board and Staff Side
The issue of Line Boxes for Loco Pilot and Guards was discussed in detail in the meeting held on 15.09.2021.
Staff Side(AIRF & NFIR) explained the necessity of continuation of Line Boxes for Loco Pilot and Guard.
It was also urged that, continuance of Line Boxes needs to be ensured as the subject is under discussion and consideration in the DC/JCM Forum.
It has been brought to our notice that, DRM/RTM(WR) has instructed for replacement of Line Boxes. Similar actions in other Divisions may also be considered.
AIRF urges to kindly issue necessary instructions to all the Zonal Railways for continuation of Line Boxes till a final decision in the DC/JCM Item No.04/2012 is taken.
An early action in the matter shall be highly appreciated.