Director General (HR),
Railway Board,
New Delhi.
Sub:- Provision of replacement panel for recruitment against Culturat (levet2) and Scouts and Guides (level-l & 2) quota.
Ref:- Railway Board’s letter no. E (NG)IIl20z4tRR-2t2 dated 24.04.2024.
The provision of panel and keeping wait list for direct recruitment in Level- 1 & other categories exist. The very purpose of replacement panel is to ensure that vacancies ireated due to non- reporting or any other reasons could be filled up.
Federation has been informed that candidates placed on the panel against Cultural and Scouts and Gryides quota get empanelled in more than one Zone /PU and they join at place which is convenient to them. In such situation the
vacancy is not filled and the annual quota is very less & moreover vacancy is also not carried fon,rard hence, it is essential to have replacement panel for culture and scouts & Guide quota.
Federation requests that the concept of replacement panel be extended to recruitment against culture and scouts & Guide quota.
An early action in this matter will be greatly appreciated.