Pics and Report on Observance of International Day of Elimination of Violence & Harassment against Women – 25th November, 2015


(Registered, Recognised & Affiliated to AIRF, HMS & ITF) 





Com. Shiva Gopal Mishra ji

General Secretary/AIRF



Dear Comrade,


              As per call given by International Transport Workers Federation (ITF),London & All India Railwaymens Federation (AIRF), and Hind Mazdoor Sabha (HMS), New Delhi to observe 25.11.2015 as “International Day of Elimination of Violence and   Harassment against Women”, the SWRMU has observed the same today in the Main Union Office to create awareness among Women Employees.  The procession started from Hubballi Workshop via DRM’s Office to GM/SWR’s office and back to Union Office. Com.Dr.A.M.D’Cruz , GS/SWRMU addressed to all the women comrades on the occasion. Similar meetings were conducted at Bengaluru,Mysuru divisions & Mysuru Workshop of S.W.Railway..

On this occasion the Com.Dr.A.M.D’Cruz, General Secretary/SWRMU handed over Memorandum to General Manager/S.W.Railway with the following demands


  • Violation against the women is against Human Rights Violation.
  • Violence against women is a consequence of discrimination against women, in law and also in practice, and of persisting inequalities between men and women.
  • Violence against women impacts on, and impedes, progress in many areas, including poverty eradication, combating HIV/AIDS, and peace and security
  • Violence against women and girls is not inevitable. Prevention is possible and essential.
  • Violence against women continues to be a global pandemic.

Government should look after the above said demands at National & International levels.  Every year the ITF is giving focus on that, on November 25th every year we are making this awareness.

In S.W. Railway concerned there are some violations of Rules and strictly the administration is not following.

  1. Still our working women not having some places Dress Changing Room, Rest Room and Lunch Room in the workspots. Rest Room in the sense, during lunch hour who could not go home they can take rest here.
  1. Still as per the Board’s instructions the Trackwomens near station should be posted but totally not done in this Railway. Still the complaints are coming to us.  Also, some areas, a small child in the open area where their work spots, as a Trackwoman could not feed milk to the child.  It is against to our Constitution.  This should be stopped.
  1. The working women, after the rostered hours, ie after 1800 hours should stay at work spot, several times I brought out in PNM, this some units are not following. It should be strictly implemented.
  1. Wherever the women employees working night shift, it should be ensured of safety.
  1. Where the working women (ticket checking staff) going, rest room is not provided
  1. The working women, in emergency when they are applying leave, some officers or supervisors are asking reasons. The certain hidden reasons cannot be expressed.  Leave should be sanctioned liberally.
  1. Also, CCL whenever applying most of the cases are rejected and seeing the faces the leave will be sanctioned according to their will & fancy.
  1. Women employees request transfer applications from Railway to Railway, Division to Division and station to station should be considered on priority where their husbands are working.

Com.Smt.Jayalaxmi, Asst.General Secretary/SWRMU & Chairperson/Women’s Wing, Com.Smt.Shaheen.Adhoni, Asst.Divl.Secretary/Workshop, Com.Smt.Manohari,Com.Smt.Mary Jessina, Com.Smt Ashwini, & Com. Smt. Kamalamma,  Asst.Secretaries of SWRMU and Large number .of Women Employees were present on the occasion. Com.R.R.Naik, Zonal President/SWRMU, Com.V.E.Charkhani, Zonal Treasurer were also present.

This is for your information.

(Dr. A.M.D’CRUZ)