Discussion between AIRF and Full Board on 21st and 22nd July, 2016 on the Railways issues, included in the Strike Charter of Demands. Many issues relating to Railway Staff were deliberated during meeting with Full Board. Corrigendum in respect of this has been issued by AIRF………
The General Secretaries,
All Affiliated Unions,
Dear Comrades!
Sub: Corrigendum on the feedback of 22nd July 2016 Full Board Meeting reg. Fixation Formula for Pay of Running Staff
“BP+DA (with 30% DA Element) = 262.5. In terms of para 12 of Gazette Notification, benefit of 14.29% has to be given in case of Running Staff, i.e. 14.29% of 262.5=37.51. Thus 262.5+37.51=3.01. So, fitment for Running Staff should be 3 times in place of 2.95 times as communicated earlier”.
No.AIRF/24(C) Dated: July 28, 2016
The General Secretaries,
All Affiliated Unions,
Dear Comrades!
Sub: Corrigendum on the feedback of 22nd July 2016 Full Board Meeting reg. granting of parity to the stenographers working in Indian Railways at par with those of working in the Secretariat
The above issue was also discussed in the Full Board Meeting, held on 22.07.2016 with the Federations, and the Member Staff, Railway Board, said that, in North Central Railway he has done something; likewise he would try to do, but since our demand is parity, the issue is still under consideration of the Railway Board, that is reason we have not mentioned anything in our feedback of 23rd July, 2016.
No.AIRF/24(C) Dated: July 27, 2016
The General Secretaries,
All Affiliated Unions,
Dear Comrades!
Sub: Corrigendum on the feedback of 22nd July 2016 Full Board Meeting reg. Dental Hygienist
In continuation of our earlier letter of even number dated 23rd July, 2016, wherein brief of the Full Board Meeting, held on 22.07.2016 with the federations on Strike Charter of Demands, was communicated to all of you, it is advised to correct for Dental Hygienists as, “Dental Hygienist (Entry Grade Pay Rs.4200) will be provided with next higher grade pay”.
Sorry for the inconvenience caused.
No.AIRF/24(C) Dated: July 25, 2016
The General Secretaries,
All Affiliated Unions,
Dear Comrades!
Sub: Corrigendum
In continuation of our earlier letter of even number dated 23rd July, 2016, wherein brief of Full Board Meeting held on 22.07.2016 with the federations on Strike Charter of Demands was communicated to all of you, it is advised to correct CMA Medical Department as “CMA Mechanical Department” on 3rd page. Even though, Corrected Copy of the said letter is also enclosed with this letter for your kind perusal.
Sorry for the inconvenience caused.
Sub: Brief of the Full Board Meeting held on 22.07.2016 with the federations on Strike Charter of
Discussion between AIRF and Full Board on 21st and 22nd July, 2016 on the Railways issues, included in the Strike Charter of Demands. Many issues relating to Railway Staff were deliberated during meeting with Full Board. Full details have been uploaded below:-
PDF file has been reproduced underneath:-