Sub: Brief of the 1st meeting of the National Anomaly Committee
The first meeting of the National Anomaly Committee was held today under the Chairmanship of Secretary(P), Government of India, to discuss the issue of calculation of Disability Pension for Defence Forces Personnel as per recommendations of the 7th CPC, which was attended by the Member Staff Railway Board and the Secretaries from other departments of the Government of India.
AIRF was represented by the undersigned and Com. J.R. Bhosale, Treasurer AIRF while Army personnel were represented by the officials of all the three wings of the defence. At the outset, I urged upon the Secretary(DoP&T), to frame the definition of the “Anomaly”, which has been already demanded by the Staff Side, NC/JCM.
This is in respect of report of the VII CPC, which has granted slab system on Disability Pension for the Defence Personnel, which was far short of the existing disability pension for the army officers. We explained the life of the army personnel and their cases of disability in the enemies’ action.
After threadbare discussions we urged upon the Official Side to see that there is no drop in the disability pension for any of the categories of the army personnel and paramilitary forces, rather they should be well compensated for their best they are giving for defending our motherland.
Brief of the 1st meeting of the National Anomaly Committee
