Sub: Brief of the separate meeting held on 13.07.2018 with the AM(Commercial), Railway Board
In the meeting referred to above, the following deliberations were taken place:-
(i) No.10/2008 – Manning of UTS and PRS Terminals by Commercial Staff – It was agreed that, the work of manning of UTS and PRS Terminals will be entrusted by the staff working in GP Rs.2800 preferably.
(ii) Item No.16/2012 – Creation of additional posts of Ticket Checking Staff for manning new trains and additional coaches & Item No.33/2012 – Creation of additional posts of ticket checking staff/TTE and filling up of existing vacancies in ticket checking cadre – The matter was discussed at length, and it was agreed by the Official Side(Railway Board) to process the proposal for creation of posts of TTEs……
No.AIRF/86 Dated: July 14, 2018
The General Secretaries,
All Affiliated Unions,
Dear Comrades,
Sub: Brief of the separate meeting held on 13.07.2018 with the AM(Commercial), Railway Board
In the meeting referred to above, the following deliberations were taken place:-
(i) No.10/2008 – Manning of UTS and PRS Terminals by Commercial Staff – It was agreed that, the work of manning of UTS and PRS Terminals will be entrusted by the staff working in GP Rs.2800 preferably.
(ii) Item No.16/2012 – Creation of additional posts of Ticket Checking Staff for manning new trains and additional coaches & Item No.33/2012 – Creation of additional posts of ticket checking staff/TTE and filling up of existing vacancies in ticket checking cadre – The matter was discussed at length, and it was agreed by the Official Side(Railway Board) to process the proposal for creation of posts of TTEs.
(iii) Item No.30/2012 Shortage/excess of petty cash by the Commercial Clerks working on the Booking Counters – It was agreed that, the practice prevalent in Northern Railway would also be implemented on all other zones.
(iv) Item No.28/2014 – Revision of norms of manning of coaches – It was informed by the Official Side(Railway Board) that, necessary approval, as was proposed during the last PNM Meeting of AIRF(held on 21-22 June, 2018), has been taken from the Board, and orders to this effect will be issued shortly for manning of 03 coaches only instead of 05 coaches by the TTEs.
(v) Item No.22/2016 – Withdrawal of Railway Board’s instructions reg. Ticket Checking Squad – Stipulating five-year period and 2 years cooling off period – It was agreed by the Official Side (Railway Board) to withdraw their earlier orders, issued vide Board’s letter No.2016/TG-V/21/53/Policy(P) dated 03.05.2016, on the subject matter.
(vi) Recruitment of the TTEs – As was demanded by the AIRF, the matter was sent to the CRB who has given approval for filling-up of 50% vacancies of the TTEs. Process in this regard has already been started. AIRF has demanded that, shortage of the Ticket Checking Staff will affect earnings of the Railways directly as well as create problems for the travelling public. Therefore, all the vacant posts should be filled-up early. It was agreed that, the matter reg. filling-up of remaining vacant posts will be put up to the CRB.
The above is for your information and giving wide publicity.